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He placed his diary and pencil gently under the jacket he sat on. They had just finished their dinner- a slice of bread- and decided to take a break and relax, well as well as they can. He stood up and walked towards the beach, it was his favourite place to go just to think. Think about how he even got here to become stuck. These thoughts never did any good but he still had a dedicated time every day for it. His diary has been with him since the moment he enlisted. It was a gift from his younger sister as a way to remember the events that would come, the good and the bad. Right now, he felt like the bad part was more suitable. The sand had a slight heat to it in the evening sun. Wave after wave gently clashed against the shore and rolled over his toes as he stepped closer to the water. Surprisingly, the water still had a calming effect on the young man despite being one of the four walls that kept them there. He looked far out as far as he could see in hopes of seeing a ship, a plane, anything. but like every day: nothing. As he searched, he felt something hard hit his foot as well as the water. A new piece of broken ship landed on the beach and it had a small British flag in the corner. He smiled sadly and gently caressed the pattern that he suspected would be on his grave. That’s right, he doesn’t expect to get out of there he only hopes. Placing the small piece in his pocket, he begins to walk back to the small camp that’s been made. It’s always good to have a reminder of home. A reminder of what he has to get back to. Back to his sister.

The morning sun shone brightly through the doorframe and illuminated the small house with an orange glow. Signalling the time to get to work. What was considered “work” was to look for more resources and do your best to find a way out. He hauled his heavy body off the floor to get started with the day. Combing his fingers through his unruly hair to look somewhat presentable in front of his troop, he stepped through the door way to be met by a gentle breeze. He spotted a few men chatting in one of the abandoned houses as he walked passed them towards the beach. Once again, that sand was warm under his bare feet as he sat near the shore. He pulled out his breakfast from a small pocket in his jacket as he picked up his diary. There isn’t a lot to write since not much has happened since the last night. He just thought he should record his time here to remember it when he got out; if he got out. Some of the soldiers began laughing loudly causing him to snap his head up at the loud noise. After calming down, he lowered his head and sighed. Nothing would be the same: too much has happened.

Thanks for reading and feel free to tell me what you think of it so far :)

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