Its okay

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He just wanted to watch the storm, so he decided to step outside for just a second. A second. That’s all it took for his head to peak out from behind the door and he was grabbed by both arms and thrown out of the door. As soon as he landed, he pulled out the pistol from his belt and frantically aimed it at the two Nazis looming over him. They both pulled out their guns and aimed them directly between his eyes. Before the shots were fired, he managed to roll out of the way as rain obscured his vision. Immediately, he stood up and began running. As he ran, he noticed that there were no other enemy soldiers around. Instead, there was thousands of fallen allies littered across the sandy beach that was now painted red. The sight was horrific, but he just kept running. There was nowhere to go. He had managed to run into a corner where two buildings met, and the enemies had managed to corner him. During the chase, all three soldiers had dropped their guns but the two Nazis both pulled out small daggers stained with blood. This was it he thought. After all this, this is the end. Lightning struck and illuminated each of their faces as they all stared at one another, assessing what their next move would be, despite the fact it was obvious. Gradually the rain slowed before stopping completely and an opening in the clouds revealed that it was, in fact, still day time. The sun shone brightly through the opening and warmed his face as he shut his eyes. This had to be a sign. A sign that everything will be ok.

A/N sorry this is super short

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