Chapter Two

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Surprise another chapter!

Lol so far this whole thing is being written in discord.


Grimoire was so worried for his son. So, so, so worried. He was lucky that he was able to bring Vincent down all the way to the closest town Nibelheim. He was lucky that they had no one in the inn.

He was lucky to know that he wouldn't live to watch his son's funeral. Or at least, for now.

Just thinking of how his son's body broke apart to put itself back again made him want to vomit. At least his son's body went back to normal after he passed out from recognizing him?

What a horrifying mess.

A groan tore him from his thoughts. Quickly he walked over to Vincent's side.

His son, his precious son, was finally waking up.

Eyelids opened to show glowing ruby red eyes.

Grimoire froze at the sight. The glow wasn't as bright as the golden eyes from before.

But his son, his poor son, now has been marked.

Those red eyes locked onto his brown. His child's face was immobile. After a moment starting at each other, finally, something like confusion entered those red eyes.

His heart hurt, as he watched his Vincent slowly move around. Slowly poke at his own body. As if making sure everything was there.

What Grimoire didn't know, was that Vincent wasn't making sure everything was there. No. Vincent had suddenly gained the feeling that he hadn't experienced having a physical form. That Vincent was nothing before hand.

Those red eye broke away from Grimoire's, and searched the room.

"Vincent." Grimoire spoke, softly.

Nothing. Had something happened to Vincent's hearing?

"Vincent." The man repeated, louder.

His son's head turn towards him. Relief let his shoulders relaxed.

Yet the worry stayed strong when he saw how his son's mouth began to move. No sound came out.

Wait. Water. His son needed to drink. His throat must be dry.

"Hold on a moment." Grimoire gently patted his son's head.

Quickly he left to grab the pitcher of water on the other side of the room. Next to it were a few empty glasses. Good for him.

He was swift in pouring it, and was swift returning to where his son laid.

"Here." He offered.

Vincent made no movement.

"Vincent? Son?"

He watched as eyebrows twitched together. Slowly furrowing in confusion.

Sound made its way out of a dry throat.

"Vin...cent? Sss...on?"

Dread trickled down Grimoire's back.

"C-C..." Vincent began again. "Ch-aaa...oss..."


"Chaos." A pale hand splayed over the chest. "Chaos."

Grimoire dropped the glass of water.

It shattered just like his hopes.

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