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I sat in the passenger's seat of his luxury vehicle, it was the Porchse, "Where are we going you have to tell me", I pleaded, he started the engine and looked to me, "Trust the process", he said, I rolled my eyes and scoffed with a grin.

I held onto the door of the car for support as Shoto flew through the streets. Swerving past cars and trucks. Ignoring red lights as the engine roared through the tall buildings. I noticed it was cloudy, it looked like it was going to rain, hopefully.

I looked out the window and noticed we were out of the city, trees and forests surrounded us.

"Where are we?", I asked, not familiar with the scenery. "Connecticut", he said flatly, "The fuck? Why?", "Will you just be patient", he pleaded. I sighed in frustration.

He parked in front of a large house, a long driveway, big windows, marble pillars. "What is this place?", I asked as we exited the car. "My old house", he said as he stared at the building. "Your family is totally loaded", I said, my eyes on the large house.

We sat on the large porch together, "This place is insane", I broke the silence. "Yeah my mom loved this house... she liked the quiet", he said quietly, "Is she-", he stopped me, "No, she's alive, well sorta", his head fell.

"What do you mean?", he waited a moment before he answered, "My dad has her locked up in a psych ward- he put her in there after she accidently burned my face", he said, my eyes shut softly. "What an asshole", he scoffed, "Right".

Hours passed by as we sat in a comfortable silence, it was now dark outside.

Snow started to fall. I let out a small laugh, I held my arms out. Letting the snowflakes fall onto my hands. I stood up and threw my head back.

I let the snow coat my black hair. "What are you doing?", Shoto asked, "Enjoying the little things, you should try it", I said, my eyes still shut.

The snow started to come down harder, the wind blowing aggressively. "Come on it's getting cold", Shoto stood up and held his hand out, I took it and he guided me inside the car.

The snow made it difficult to drive and see the road, "Fuck", Shoto said under his breath as his car started to slow down. "What? What is it?", my tone filled with concern. "I don't know", he said as he pulled over at a small plaza area.

The ground was already coated in snow as it poured down. He popped the hood of the car, and examined it. He sat back inside the car with me, "Battery is dead", he said as he looked around the area. "Let me see if I can call a cab for us", he pulled his phone out and brought it to his ear.

"Dammit", he said as he set his phone down, "No service", he sighed.

"Well shit", I said, "I think there's a motel down there, we might just have to stay the night and get the car fixed tomorrow morning", he said.

"Shoto we have school tomorrow!", I said we exited the car, "Relax, we'll wake up early and get there on time". "We cant just-", he cut me off, "What do you want me to do? There's no service and no car shops are open this late". I sighed in frustration.

We approached the older man at the desk, "One room please", Shoto said to the man as he got his wallet out. I elbowed him, "Shoto!- I'm sorry, we need two rooms actually", I smiled at the man.

"Sorry I only got one- tourist season", the man said flatly. "Sir there must be one more room I really need another room", I said, "Sorry miss, been a busy month I only got one- take it or leave it". I sighed in frustration, "It's fine- we'll take it", I said in a defeated tone.

We unlocked the door to the room, it was definitely an older motel. Green sheets on the bed, two wooden nightstands beside it, a green chair in the corner. A wooden dresser in front of the bed and a walk in bathroom.

Lose Control (Bakugo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now