Meet The Family

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Notes For This StoryTimelines and age gaps have been changed slightly to suit how this story will run.As stated in the summary,Izana is 28Takemichi is 21Kakucho is 7Kokonoi is 8Rindou is 8Ran is 10Mucho is 10Mochi is 11Shion is 10

For everyone except Mucho and Mochi, I'll be using their first names. That's just because I think the names Mochi and Mucho are cute.

As for appearances (I don't want any of them to be half bald so I'm making some stuff up)Takemichi: Black hairIzana: From that future where his hair is slightly longer and curledKakucho: idk what to call it, his childhood hair cut before he decided to go almost baldRindou: Shoulder length blonde hair tied up in a bun, no bald spots cos I'm feeling nice, round glassesRan: blonde braidsKokonoi: his childhood parted fringe haircutMucho: short blonde hairMochi: Short black hairShion: long blonde hair


His fingers, nearing the state of numbness from the cold bite of the evening wind, fidget with the rusted clover necklace which hung just above his chest. He knows he should leave before he catches a cold, his weak immune system is begging him through the form of a sniffling nose and a scratchy throat. He must look pathetic, to Naoto who is waiting for him in the car, to Hina who must be looking down at him from above.

"Is this the end Hina?"

"Aha Takemichi-kun, you were always so dramatic,"

"I don't think I can do it anymore, not without you. I need you Hina," he bit his tongue, cringing slightly as a warm metallic taste filled his mouth. But he wasn't going to cry, he promised himself, promised Hina.

"You have already gone two years just fine Takemichi-kun, and you'll be fine for another two, and another, forever."

"But I...everything is falling apart. My debt is piling up, I'm going to have to drop out soon, which I really don't want to do but-" he paused, taking a shaky breath, he can almost see Hina's patient smile in his mind, waiting for him to continue, "the nightmares are back. I always had you to comfort me during them but now, I have no one. I think Naoto secretly hates me, for not being able to save you."

"My death had nothing to do with you Takemichi-kun, Tetta-kun just didn't know how to deal with my rejection. And I know my little brother doesn't hate you either, he's always adored you, he knows, and you should too, that this wasn't your fault."

"Why do you still talk about Kisaki so nicely?! He killed you!" He heaved, he forced the clover out of his hands, afraid of snapping the old chain in rage.

"We've spoken. He really is misunderstood Takemichi-kun, I'm not saying what he did was okay, but he never learned to love and believed that his obsession was love."

He leaned back on his knees, fingers itching to scratch his thighs, it would be pointless regardless, his fingernails wouldn't make it through his thick pants.

"Spoken? Don't tell me that bastard ended up in the same place as you?"

"Everyone got it wrong, there is no heaven or hell, just one big open space that never ends. I've gotten lost one too more times," her angelic chuckle (read: emphasis on angelic), filled his ears and warmed his heart.

Sure, people around would think he was crazy. And maybe he was, he was hallucinating the voice of his dead lover after all.

"I can see something great in your future Takemichi-kun, so please, don't give up."

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