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"So," Naoto couldn't even finish his sentence before bursting into another round of laughter, Takemichi stared at him unimpressed. "What your saying is that he just hired you on the spot? Because you...used to help one of his kids at the orphanage?"

"Yes, it was nice to see Kaku-chan again. I just," Takemichi stopped and take a deep breath, leaning against Naoto, "I just hope he doesn't remember Hina, it'd be too painful to explain it to him."

The mood dulled and Takemichi regretted it. Him and Hina always visited the orphanage together, having a favourite wasn't really ethical, but Kakucho was just such a sweet child who would cling to Takemichi. There was this little girl at the orphanage, Saori, seven years old and Takemichi was sure she had the biggest crush on Hina. It hurt. Thinking about those kids at the orphanage. What would they think if they knew the most beautiful girl in the world that they looked up to, was dead?

"So when are you quitting your job at the DVD store?" Naoto, asked, obviously trying to change the subject from his dead sister.

"Oh, I'm not going to," Takemichi mumbled.

Naoto looked at him incredulously, "What the hell Takemichi? You won't be able to handle looking after the kids all day, then working at night and somehow fitting in your online course."

Takemichi tiredly waved him off, "It'll be fine. Kurokawa-san will probably fire me as quick as he hired me, I need the store to fall back on if that happens."

An exasperated chuckle escaped Naoto, "You really are an idiot, you're going to work yourself to death."

'I could join Hina then, couldn't I?'


To the public and officially, the kids were Izana's adoptive children. But their relationship was different to that. Izana didn't adopt them so that they could call him dad and he could order them around like a parent does. Really, he's more like a big brother to them, making sure they're okay, and threatening anyone who hurts them. His siblings thought he was crazy for adopting seven children soon after one another, but in reality, Izana was just trying to adopt as many as he could, give as many as he could, a good home. He hates how busy his company has came lately, it means he can't work from home anymore.

The kids are definitely troublemakers, it's difficult to put them with the vacation care with the school they go to. But now it was the holidays, two months with no school, no where really for them to go during the day. His siblings were helpful, but they all had their own lives too. After Hanagaki had left, he found himself asking a lot of questions about him from Kakucho. The little one more than eager to express his memories of the man. With the way Kakucho was gushing about him, you'd think he had a crush.

He wondered if it was impulsive of him to just hire Hanagaki because Kakucho liked him, before even having a proper meeting with him. But Kakucho was the most responsible of his adoptees, despite being the youngest.

"So, what did you all think of the babysitter? Think I should still him?" He asked them all at the dinner table.

"You have to Izana! Michi-san is amazing!" Kakucho was being really out of character ever since he reunited with his so called hero.

"He's pretty," Ran said, his face resting in his palm which was propped up by his arm on the table. Rindou, beside him, hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, he is isn't he? I think his black hair is much prettier than the blonde hair he had in high school," Kakucho added.

Izana raised an eyebrow, 'blonde hair?', he tried to imagine it on the boy. No. His looks aren't important. "So anything else? Aside from his appearance?"

"He seemed kinda shy," Mochi piped up.

"Probably just scared of Izana, any normal person would be," Shion replied, sticking a thumb out in the direction of said man.

"What about you two? Hajime? Mucho?"

"He looked poor," Hajime said bluntly, "But if he modelled, I think he'd get a lot of money."

Mucho stayed silent, continuing to eat his food, "Mucho? I asked you a question."

"I don't know yet. I want to observe him more, see if he's trouble."

"Oh!" Kakucho exclaimed, having remembered something, "There was also this pretty lady who always came with him, she was really, what was it? Ah, her name is Hina-san! Yes, her and Michi-san always came together. I wanna see Hina-san too."

"Was she his friend?" Rindou asked.

Kakucho nodded, "Yep! They were really close, always holding hands and kissing each other on the cheek. But Michi-san would hold my hand too, so it's normal."

Mochi snorted, "They were definitely dating."

"Dating? Isn't that when you put the date on something?" Hajime asked.

Izana looked between them, watching Mochi trying to explain what dating was while Shion and Ran were trying to muffle their laughter. Kakucho was still rambling on about this 'Hina-san' and how close she was with Hanagaki.

'Are they still together?'

He shook the thought from his head, why the hell was he wondering about such things anyway. Hanagaki was basically his employee now.

"-chi-san told me he was going to marry Hina-san one day. Do you think they are married now, Izana?"

Izana ripped himself out of his thoughts, seeing Kakucho looking up at him expectedly. "I'm...not sure Kakucho, Hanagaki is pretty young, people don't usually get married until they're a bit older."

"So why aren't you married?" Ran asked, a smirk evident on his little face.

"It's because no one is good enough to be his Queen." Shion drawled out. 

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