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"Y-you know Hanemiya-san, Takemichi-san?" Shoin asked.

"Ah yeah, he was my senpai in middle and high school. Ah Kazutora-kun, it's been so long," Takemichi exclaimed excitedly, pulling the older into a hug.

"Takemichi, I almost didn't recognise you! The blonde hair was cute but you suit the black hair much more," Kazutora replied, ruffling his hair.

"I like your hair too, it's grown so long, you still stuck with the same colours though."

"Blonde highlights suit me though."


The kids watched on as the adults interacted, they appeared very comfortable with each other. The older kids had already figured out that their adoptive father most definitely had a crush on their babysitter, and they wanted him to be happy since he had done so much for them. They knew Takemichi would make him happy, so they were secretly rooting for the two to get together. Mucho was really good at reading body language, and he was able to tell that Takemichi didn't really feel comfortable with Izana, and he wanted to know why. Maybe he could help make him more comfortable and then Takemichi will have feelings for Izana and they can get together and everyone will be happy. But as he watched his body language with Kazutora's, who recently became one of the families chauffeurs, they definitely looked more compatible than Takemichi and Izana.

"So what are you doing here? I thought you were working at that pet shop with Baji-kun?" Takemichi asked, still in disbelief that he is seeing an old friend.

Kazutora scratched the back of his head, embarrassed, "We kind of had a falling out and I wanted to improve my mental health so I decided we should keep some space from each other from the time being. But I was struggling to find a job and Mikey said Izana was in need of another driver, so here I am. What about you? Shouldn't you be studying full time? How do you have the time to babysit?"

Takemichi side eyed the children nervously, such topics really shouldn't be spoken about in front of such a young audience, "Hajime-kun is really excited to go to the library. How about you give me your number and we'll catch up some other time. Y'know, Hina...not something in front of the kids."

Kazutora nodded understandably,"Yeah I get that, well kids, you all ready to go?"

"Yep." Hajime replied, popping the p, he was just waiting for the adults to stop talking, he was eager to leave.


The car ride was...chaotic to say the least. Kazutora drove obviously and Takemichi sat in the front seat. Shion and Rindou argued over who had to sit in the very last row. It was basically a van but a very flash version, such was needed with so many children. In the second row sat Mucho, then Hajime in the middle and then Ran, the third row had Mochi and Kakucho sitting on the window sides. That left either Shion or Rindou having to sit in the middle between them or sit in the last seat by themself in the very back.

"Rindou-kun is smaller, so it would probably be better for him to sit in the middle. We will change up the seating arrangements on the way back, is that alright?" Takemichi reasoned.

Shion huffed loudly before crawling into the back seat, he was definitely sitting up in the second row on the way back.

But after that, there was no more troubles, it wasn't a long drive to the library. Takemichi kept small talk with Kazutora, about simple things, nothing too in depth or dark due to the young audience in the back. He really was glad to see his old senpai again, they has been pretty good friends back in highschool. Kazutora had been quite the delinquent and would often skip class to have lunch with Takemichi and his friends since he was on a different schedule.

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