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Sorry its been so long and this is so short, the next few chapters will definitely be longer!


Friday morning and he feels like shit, what's new? Naoto was doing an early patrol so he opted to catch the public bus to get to Izana's, he preferred it though, he was too damn tired to deal with Naoto fussing over him like a child. He shifted in his seat, the bus this time of the morning was overly busy as everyone was on their way to work, even on Friday's, everyone is so eager. As it filled with more and more other travelers, he stood in his seat to offer it to an elderly woman who had just gotten on. She thanked him and he wished he could relish in the sweet feeling of helping another, but instead he couldn't help but think of how Hina would always do the same, or she would scold the teenage boys who thought they were better than everyone else and make them give up their seat. He knew it probably wasn't healthy to think about his dead lover as much as he did, but someone like Tachibana Hinata wasn't easy to forget.


Izana had certainly enjoyed the two days he spent with the kids, he had only been back at the company for two days and yet he already missed them plenty in that time. And one thing he had also noticed is that all of the kids had taken a liking to Hanagaki. Even Shion, Mucho, Mochi and Hajime, he definitely didn't expect them to get attached so quick since they were more closed off but he was glad Hanagaki had such an effect. On Tuesday night, Shion had even come to him saying that he really wanted to try again with his training that he had previously given up on because he didn't think he was good enough. When he had asked why, Shion simply smiled and said that 'Takemichi-san told me things I really needed to hear'.

In fact, in those two days, all of the kids had something nice to say about their new babysitter and even though Izana didn't like that Tachibana bastard, if he hadn't come across him, he never would have had Hanagaki apply to be the kid's babysitter. He wanted to know more about the university student, but they never had many chances to talk unless it was about the kids, which made sense obviously since he was there to look after them but still. He did feel bad about denying Hanagaki's request to take the 4th off, but he really had to be the company that day. He had spent the last six months organising the opening of a fully furnished orphanage in a poorer part of the Philippines that would also provide free healthcare. It was a very big and very important project and one that meant a lot to him. But he couldn't help the guilty feeling, but Hanagaki said it was fine, right? He would just visit said family member afterwards, so...it was okay. He didn't need to feel bad.

And of course the thing to interrupt his thoughts about a certain someone is the ringing of the doorbell, who else could possibly be on the other side?


He let go of the clover necklace, he really needed to stop fidgeting with it before it broke. It fell against his chest, he didn't even think to tuck it under his shirt like he usually does. The door opened, surprisingly it was not one of the children, but rather Izana...Izana who should be locked up right now. It had to be illegal to look that good at 6:30 in the damn morning.

His suit jacket was missing, leaving him in navy blue slacks and a creamy button up shirt which, by the way, had the top three buttons undone. Which, of course, left much more than just a peek at his tanned chiseled chest and his prominent collarbones, his white hair was messy and hanging over his eyes. Takemichi might have just had a heart attack right there and then, sure he had noticed that Izana was an attractive man before, but now...this-no. Stop it Takemichi. He's your boss remember?

"G-Good morning Kurokawa-san." Fuck why was he stuttering?!

"Morning Hanagaki." And there it was. The trigger that completely snapped him out of his daze. He knew he couldn't be mad, it was typical to address others by their last name here, but ever since him, he can't stand it. He hates it. Sometimes he'd introduced himself as simply 'Takemichi' or as 'Takemichi Hanagaki' so people would think Takemichi was his surname. Most of the time, he could just inform the other person that he preferred Takemichi and they'd abide by it. But no, not Kurokawa Izana. Again, he can't really be mad, since Izana is his boss and like he said when he was hired, Izana preferred professionalism, and that made sense. But none of that took away the stiffness in his joints and the tightness of his chest every time he heard someone call him that.

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