"New Issues!"

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I honestly don't understand why she was in my business, cause she made it clear that she doesn't like me. So i left the school and went to my boyfriend's place. Yes, i have a boyfriend, met him the first week i moved here. His name is Jade, he's 18 years old, lives only a few blocks away from my school. We are not in the same school but always make time to see each other. Jade is so handsome, tall, nice smile, plays soccer, quite popular and he's got a great personality just really aggressive at times. 


Kira left the school and made her way to her boyfriend's house. Jade was not at school today because he claimed to be very tired after a match yesterday. Kira got there and just needed a distraction and needed to clear her head. So that called for weed, meth and sex. She knocked gently on the door and Jade opened with a smile on his face, Kira quickly threw herself on his arms and sobbed gently. "Hey, what's up?" Jade asked softly. They both got inside the house, Kira sat on the couch while Jade went to get her water. "Here, drink up." He said as he handed her the glass. Kira took a sip and exhaled sharply. "Ready to tell me what's up?" Jade asked. 

"Just had the worst morning, barely got any sleep last night because i am having those crappy nightmares again." Kira said in a low tone. Kira talks to Jade about everything bothering her and so does Jade. They are practically best friends but Kira never told Jade about her past, she doubts she'll tell him. She fears that he'll leave her or look at her differently. "Oh sweet cheeks(That's the name he gave her the first day they met cause Kira wouldn't tell him her name) No one will hurt you as long as i'm here" Jade assured her. She liked hearing assurance from him, it made her feel safe. She hugged him tight and that made her feel so secured for life.

"Snacks, food, drinks?" Jade said breaking the hug. "Uh uh, got different ideas from that" Kira responded, standing up from the couch and making her way to the stairs. "Got any weed?" she asked. "You're one weird fellow ey" Jade said, "Your mama working night shift i see." Kira wouldn't get high if her mom was going to be home in the evening, she feels like her mom can detect anything. They made their way to Jade's bedroom. Jade shut the door behind and reached into his bag and grabs a bag of weed. He waves the bag to get Kira's attention. " yay, about time!" Kira exclaimed walking towards Jade, trying to grab the bag. Jade swings it above Kira's head, as she tries to jump and grab it, she causes them to trip and fall. They fell on the floor chest to chest with Jade on top of her. Jade leaned in to kiss Kira, she quickly responded to the kiss leading to jade picking her up with her legs wrapped around his 'muscular' body. He broke the kiss and gently kissed her neck and sucked it leaving red marks. Kira let out soft moans in response to the wonders Jade was doing. 

He gently placed her on the bed and kissed her while his hand rubbed against her thigh, gently squeezing it causing Kira to whimper through the kiss. Jade's hand went down to her coochie. Kira quickly stopped him and sat up. "I'm sorry i cant." She said. She stood up and fixed herself. "It's fine, we don't have to do anything until you are ready." Jade said with a smile. He rolled a joint for them and they smoked.

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