"New Heartbreaks!"

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"Am i interrupting something?" The man asked. "Umm no, just going through some homework but we're done for the day, right Alex?" Sam answered and turned and raised her brow. Alex nodded and took her bag and left. She bolted as fast as lightning and made her way to the car whereby she rested her head on the steering wheel and banged her head so hard, "How could i be so stupid, like how...could...i?" Alex questioned herself as she constantly caused herself pain. I think she might have had a concoction. 

Alex made her way home and longed for Selena's hugs and choc chip cookies. She got home and was surprised to  find police officers at her house but they were leaving and Selena was showing them out. "What was that about?" Alex asked as she closed the door and glanced at Selena. "Umm David was driving out late, drunk i think so he knocked over a pole or stop sign and got in trouble for that." Selena said while she rubbed her head. "Oh is he okay tho?" Alex asked rather concerned. "Yep he is, sleeping now i guess. But are you okay NtandoKazi?" Selena asked as she stared hard at Alex's reaction. Ntandokazi? Only Tracey and Selena called her that. Alex shook her head and said "No, no i'm not okay." as she started sobbing. Selena pulled her in for a hug and told her "I'm always here for you, you know that right? Anything you want to talk about..i'm here." Alex sobbed gently and smiled in hearing  that. She knew Selena her whole life, she practically raised her so she knew that no matter what, Selena will never be like her parents at all. She'll always stick around.

It's a Monday morning and Alex is not in the mood for school, especially after what happened. It was now Physics time and Alex got to class and was surprised to see their principal instead. "Good Morning Children, Miss Nkosi will not be joining us today so please use this period wisely." Principal Dlamini said. "Umm Sir, can i please be excused? I need the restroom." Alex asked and granted permission to leave. As she walked the down the school halls, she heard someone call her name. "Psst, Alex?" The voice called. Alex turned around and saw Mis- Sam. She motioned for Alex to meet her in the parking lot and Alex did. When Alex got to the school parking lot, Sam came to her and took her by hand to her car. When they got there, that's when Alex asked, "What's going on? Ain't we supposed to be at school like?". "Taking a day off today, so i thought i should apologize about what happened you know? Sam said. "Did she mean kissing me? Was she sorry about that? Or the husband thing?" Alex panicked in her head but finally responded with, "It's okay, really don't worry." But just then Sam started her car and drove with Alex by her side. 

"Where are we going?" Alex asked. "You'll see." Sam said with a smirk on her face. After what felt 30 to 45 minutes they pulled up at this house, I think it was Sam's house. Alex and Sam both made their way to the house with Sam leading the way. They walked in and Alex made herself comfortable on the couch well with Sam's permission of course. "Umm Alex, would you mind giving me a little hand in here?" Sam called from the kitchen. Alex made her way to the kitchen and was surprised to see that Sam has changed into a short skirt and a slip on tank top that barely covered her chest. "Daaang!" Alex thought to herself. "Umm, what do you need help with?"Alex finally asked. "Could you please get that bowl for me, kinda short." Sam asked. Alex tried to reach for the cupboard that was above Sam's head. She got the bowl and handed it her, while she now traced along Sam's body with her eyes, lust filled eyes. Alex's heartbeat raced as she locked her eyes on Sam's. Her lips found Sam's. 

Alex deepened their kiss and tightened her grip around Sam's waist. She picked her up and placed her on the kitchen counter and started sucking and biting on her neck. Alex's hands traveled all around Sam's body, from her neck, down to her boobs and to her stomach and thighs. "Damn."  Sam said breathlessly. Alex just smiled and looked at Sam's body that was semi covered by sheets between them. She was so flawless and hot, especially when she whined in pleasure but Alex couldn't help but think about Kira, as much as Sam was hot...Kira was still the girl for her. "Oh shit!" Sam exclaimed as she checked her phone. She had 14 missed calls from her niece and a message that read: "Aunt, Mom was involved in a car accident and it's not looking good, i'm scared." Sam  quickly got dressed and made her way to the hospital but before that she kissed Alex goodbye as Alex drove off before Sam left for the hospital.

Alex drove home happily. She got home and went straight to her room. She charged her phone which has been flat for a couple of hours now and she took a shower. She then finished and got comfortable as she lay on the bed and starred at the ceiling. Her mind revisited the events from earlier, flashbacks and goosebumps overwhelmed her. She couldn't help but smile to herself. A notification came through her phone, it was from Kira. 

"My mom...my mom is gone Lex."

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