1~ Running

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Sirens blaring behind me, getting closer and closer and closer with each step I take. I need to escape all this! I swiftly turn down an alley way too thin for the cars to fit through. Sprinting through the darkness whilst my entire body aches in pain, I have to stop somewhere but I know they'll still be chasing me. Only when they catch me they will rest. Why do I always do this to myself?


"I Ran through the maze of American alley ways, I finally saw a small vacant motel up ahead. I pulled off my green ski mask over my head and slowed my pace from a run into a walk. I stuffed my mask and hands into my pockets trying to seem the most inconspicuous as someone could ever be.

I pushed open a glass door to the main reception, luckily this motel was running 24/7, the door had a small bell that rings whenever someone walks in. The room had the faint smell of cigarettes and alcohol in the air. A worker walked into the room through a doorway covered in beads. "What?" The worker said with a joint in between his index finger and middle finger. "Is there any rooms available?" I said calmly still trying to catch my breath, my legs were still shaking uncontrollably from running, under the reception desk. "Uhh.. lemme just..." He said whilst fuming out a cloud of white smoke and looking down on a clip board. "Yeah. Room 405, it's uh on the second floor" he said whilst breathing in deeply on his joint. He had grabbed a key off of a small pin on a wall, and dropped it in my hand. I smiled, a little awkwardly I admit, and walked out with the room key.

You could faintly hear sirens somewhere far off in the distance. I walked across the parking lot to a set of metal stairs leading upwards to more rooms. In large gold lettering '405' was written on the door. I opened the door to see ultimately nothing but darkness. I felt around to find the light switch for the room. A bright flash of light springs into action as I flicked the switch upwards, turning it on. I Blinked a few times to help my eyes readjust  again to the bright light. There was a bedroom, a bathroom and a closet in the room. No kitchen great. I sighed walking past a tv infront of the bed and grabbed the tv remote. I sat down heavily onto the end of the bed, it was lumpy and uncomfortable but oh well, and turned the tv on.

"Famous serial killer, Dream, has once again gotten away. The police is still out looking even though he most probably has hidden somewhere." Informed a young woman broadcaster, bleached blonde hair as you can see from her brown roots, brown eyes glimmering from studio lights. "When and where will they strike next?" Said the lady finishing off her segment. I smirk a little at this "If only she knew." I said under my breath. Looking down at a cheap watch on my right wrist, I realised just how late it was. Or you could say how early it was. I finally turned off the tv and replaced the remote by the tv stand. I stood up, reached over to the light switch. Then fell asleep in my clothes.


I woke up around 8:45am, the breakfast room had opened an hour ago. I stretched out my arms infront of me and pulled myself up until I was sitting up straight. I had a knot in my neck from sleeping on such a hard, lumpy bed but I got up anyways and turned towards the door. I found myself holding onto the door knob contemplating if I should or should not have opened the door. But I had to, if I didn't they would have found me, I would have driven myself mad.

With my key in my pocket and my hand still on the door knob, I finally turned it open and faced the world outside. The room next to mine, 404, door was wide open, shortly after a short petite man had walked out holding a phone, his phone case a sky blue. I was stunned to see someone so gorgeous, he had short, fluffy brown hair with dark chocolate eyes. He looked as though he was ready to take on the world. I want to be somebody, somebody to you. But... I knew I could never talk to them, meet them, even like them. I quickly turned the opposite way of the man and walked towards the metal stairs leading to the breakfast room, pretending to have never seen him in the first place.

I walked into the room expecting a few people there, maybe one or two. But to my surprise there were at least 20 people in there, I wanted to run the opposite way as fast as I could but sadly that would've made me very obvious. Instead I suck it up and walked in, pushing my way through the crowd tables with people to the large table of food items. There were plain toast waiting to be lathered in butter, jam, Nutella. And multiple different cereals and juices to pick from. I went to the classic plain cereal with sugar on top which had actually sunk to the bottom of my bowl. I found a small quiet corner table away from all the others and sat down.

I was only halfway through my cereal before I heard a small, "Excuse me? Can I sit here please?" Said the man from before. He held a plate with a few slices of toast buttered with raspberry jam. His voice suited perfectly with his voice, a soft English accent came through when he talked just enough to know he was British. "I um... Sure, I don't mind." I said out loud to him, moving my bowl over to let him sit down. He placed his plate on the table then sat down Infront of me. "I'm George. I'm site seeing." He said before smiling and biting down on a slice of toast. "Uhm my name is Clay." I replied back to him before outstretching my hand for him to shake it. George giggled a small bit before he wiped his hands on his jeans and shook my hand."

I'm glad I took the leap of leaving the room.


First chapter of a new story, did you like it? Did you get the song reference? Probably not

Paragraph 7 "I want to be somebody, somebody to you" is from the song '80's makeout session' song by Dacelynn.

Date- 12-12-21
Words- 1077

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