6~ coincidences

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I got told by a coworker manning the phones that a few people had spotted him at a specific beach in Miami, with another person. So obviously I went straight to my boss and explained everything.

"So uh- yeah." I stuttered out afterwards explaining everything to him. He nodded along with his eyes closed. "So you want to go investigate and try and find him in the area?" He asked me, spot on like always. "I- yes. I do."

He sighs deeply wonder why he's sighing? "Well, you have to bring Karl he hasn't left the building for a bit." I look up from my hands and up to him to look at him in the eyes. "I also want you to be extra careful, Nick. I don't want you to get hurt... your my best detective." My heart sank at those last 4 words. I nodded and left the room.

"Karl!" He looked up from his computer leaving the digital world of facts and data. "We're scoping out Miami, come on." I said before seeing him stand up and get his phone off his desk.

"What?! No!" I exclaimed. How the FUCK does he know! He was swimming the whole time... her. "Clay... please just tell me the truth!" He sounded so desperate, he couldn't know that I was Dream. "Why don't you believe me! I'm not him!" I yelled at him, people began staring at the two of us not sure if they should butt in.

George flinched backwards away from me, I could see that he was holding back his tears. "Oh my god, George. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell." Tears began pooling behind my eyes too this was too much for both of us. "I think you-... I should go now." George muffled through a shaky voice. He scooped up his bag and walked away, off of the beach before he ran off down the road.

The sky became clouded from large dark clouds. What had I done. The only person who I truly cared had just left me too. I brung my knees up to my chest and began hugging them whilst I began to cry. My breathing had became so rough it felt like how the water looked, dangerous and shaky.

Most people had left the beach seeing that it was about to rain, but I had sat there crying, screaming that I hadn't done all those things. Wishing that I hadn't done all those things. I sat in the rain letting my emotions flow over me, letting the rain muffle my hopeless screams. Why couldn't I be normal?

My voice was hoarse and my eyes were red and puffy, I was ready to end it all. I didn't want to live in a world where George hated me.

But as I stood in the sea, waist deep, I realised. I was even afraid of dying. Too afraid to live without him, too afraid to die.

I looked down at my phone, the screen was covered in raindrops but I looked past them, seeing all the different phone numbers I had accumulated over the years. My eyes had landed on my fathers name. I hated him, walking out on us when I was 13! I couldn't see him in hell yet.

Finally after an hour had passed of me staring at the water, I packed up my things and left the beach. I put back on my soaked shirt and continued walking around the city aimlessly again holding my pants. I looked like a goon. I felt like crying again but I couldn't there was nothing left. I dug in my pants pocket and found a five dollar bill.

I found a convenience store on a corner of an intersection. I walked in completely wet from head to toe. The store attendant looked at me like I was crazy, which in all honesty I was and I would say I still am to this day. But they said nothing and let me shop around the store. I had found a packet of plain lays and a glass bottle of Coca Cola.

As I bought them I saw a pair of two detectives walk in, their badges proudly shown to the world. One with dark brown, almost black hair with a white bandana wrapped around his head. The other a light brown haired man with purple painted finger nails. "Shut up Karl! I'm payin-'' Said the darker haired man right as I turned away from the cashier, and bumped right into him. He was the height of my collar bones. "Oh I'm so sorry!" I said all puffy eyes and crocky voiced.

I must have looked terrible but I didn't care. I didn't care if I got arrested right there and then. I was done with life. The man named Karl took a step backwards into a stance ready to fight me. The other smiled at me. Why smile at me? I'm a ugly murderer. "No problem, dude. Rough day?" He asked me still smiling into my soul. I nodded and left the shop. From then I was just paranoid as fuck. I wanted it over. I wanted to be in jail, I wanted to see George again.

I walked back to motel and ate my lays and drank my soda. My mind turning foggy and blank of the day. If there really is a god let George forgive me. Please."

Karl and I had decided to eat something before patrolling around all day, so we found a small corner store and walked in. Karl had walked in behind me. "Should we really be buying food right now?" He asked me as we walked into the store. I continued walking in as I replied to him "Shut up, Karl! I'm payin-" before I ran into someone from the cashier.

I stepped back a little and looked up. It was him, Clay green, the one we were looking for, but his eyes were all puffy and red, he sounded terrible and was absolutely soaked from the rain. "No problem, dude. Rough day?" I tried to sound as calm as I could but it came out a bit weird. He nodded and walked out.

"You go to the car and watch where he goes." I command Karl. And like I said, he followed my instructions and went out to the car. I found some crackers and cookies and ran back to the car.

"He went straight then turned left." Karl answered. We definitely couldn't go storm at him and arrest him on the spot. It was just us two for the day. But we had some intell of where he went. I followed Karl directions and we distantly saw car up the street. We followed him a tad more before he turned down an alley that we couldn't go into.


"Thank you boys, it's really helped" Said the boss as both Karl and I stood in front of his desk. We politely smiled at him and waited to be excused. But nothing came from him, just a fading grin turning into him biting his left cheek. "Uh, one more thing boys- I uhm." He never had gotten this flustered before? What was happening? Was he sick or something?

He sighed and finally said with a red face "I just- I just... I just want to say you two work really well. You should work together more." With a hurtful looking grin. "Uhm. Thank you, sir." I said for the both of us. "Please, call me Alex."


Karl and I walk out of the building once our work day was up. "What do you think he was trying to say?" Karl say unexpectedly as I open the door for him. "Oh. I don't know. He could've said anything." I say closing the door, before tucking my hands in my pockets and shrugging at him. "Karl! Nick!" We hear behind us. We turn to see Alex running up after us. Still limping but almost unnoticeable when he's running.

"You guys want to go to the bar? Completely unwork related, and completely on the house!" He said as he finally caught up to us. Karl and I look at each other knowing exactly what we are going to say. "Yeah I'm in"
"Sure! I'll come."

Hi guys and galls! I'm going to be making a '.' Of a chapter for Alex, Nick, Karl going to a bar. Should be out of Wednesday! Also sorry if any of the detective stuff is a bit wrong. I'm getting most of my like ideas of it from Brooklyn-99

Paragraph 11 "I looked like a goon" is from the song 'Like or like like' by Miniature tigers!

Date- 9-1-22
Words- 1387

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