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"And that's everything you know?" Asked a balding man in a black suit with a red tie. "Yes sir. That's everything leading up to this moment." I say as I sit uncomfortably in a metal chair that's tied to the ground, and metal hand cuffs chained onto a desk between me and the man. "Clay... Why? Why would you do all this?" He asked me as I looked over to a very clearly double sided mirror.

"Sir I... I don't know, my world crumbled around me. I didn't know what to do! My life was falling apart so quickly I needed some sort of scapegoat for my emotions." I admitted holding my hands together as I looked down at my shoes. The man took in the information like a dry sponge. "You know you'd be facing either your life in jail or the death penalty, Clay?" He sighed out as he held onto my shoulder I nodded still looking at my shoes. The man sighed again before leaving the room and locking it. I had just admitted everything. All of the victims, all of my problems, my feelings towards George, how stupid could I be?

I heard another clicking as I saw a woman with her dirty blonde hair in a messy bun and glasses hooping on her ears. My eyes widen as I try to stand up cutting my wrists against the cuffs. "Mom!" I say making my eyes water as she quickly embraces me into a warming hug. "Clay! I'm so happy I can see you!" She exclaimed as she slowly lets go holding onto my forearms.

"When you left that day I was so worried! But when I saw you on the news I had to drive here to see you!" She started to tear up to just thinking about everything I had done and everything in between. "Mom I'm so happy to see you too! I thought you hated me now!" I say leaning onto my shoulder to wipe off my tears. She cupped my face and kissed my cheek.

"Mom I'm so sorry! I love you so much! Take care of everyone else at home." I finally say before she is pulled out of the room. "I love you too sweetie! I always have!" As she leaves the room I can hear her sobbing her heart out, only making me tear up again.

I wonder how everyone else is? Hopefully they don't hate me too much. Especially my little sister. Let's focus on everyone's okay instead of thinking they hate me.

George. I hope he's okay too he shouldn't have been too difficult to the investigators. He should be at my trial if anything? To give his point to the judge. Even if I get the death punishment, hopefully George can continue living his best life! Find someone he actually loves and adores unlike some strange physco guy he met a few days ago. I tear up at the thought of George liking another person but it is probably his distiny either way.

I hear the soft click of the door opening and quickly rub my eyes. "Clay. You'll stay in a cell at a local jail until the trial starts that's in 3 days. That's all you have to think of something to get you out of the death penalty."


I get escorted to the front of the room by two guards. They sit me down at a desk with my lawyer. I look behind me into the crowd of people and I see my mother sitting the second row behind me. I softly smile at her and she smiles back before clamping her hands on her mouth. I continue to look around the room as I see George in the front row behind another desk with a lawyer sitting at it. He weakly looks over at me and starts to sob at the sight of me before he quickly looks away again. Am I really that bad to look at?

"All rise for the judge." Says a guard at standing at a door behind a large podium where the judge stands. We all stand and wait for the judge to walk through the door, up the podium and place her notes on the desk. "All sit."

She flips through her notes and then goes to the front page of them. "Clay green, we are here for the evidence that you have provided us, that you are the murderer Dream."

"You may now give your point." The other lawyer began talking about mindless things trying to get me killed for my crimes. My mind went fuzzy the minute when they started talking. "I now call to the podium, George Davidson." They said, I immediately perked up to see George walking up with his hands clasped together in front of him. "Please state how you know Clay and if you think he is guilty or not."

"Clay has been my friend, we had met at a motel breakfast a few days ago. He hadn't said a word to me about being Dream or even thinking of hurting anyone. I think he is a nice person but had been handled a wrong set of cards." He started giving little details on we knew eachother and what we had done together trying to clear his name. "I- uhm. I do think he is guilty but... he shouldn't deserve to die."

Well thanks George. Thanks for calling me guilty!

"Thank you for your testimony." Said the judge as George went to sit back down. She looked at her notes again and began saying. "Now I shall play a video of Clay repeating everything he had done." She says as I crumble into my seat covering my eyes in my palms of my hands.

They lights go dim before I can hear myself loudly talking in the echoey room of the investigation room. It feels like forever until I shut up again. I can feel my lawyers frustration as I spill my guts of my crimes.

Everyone in the crowd begins whispering to others beside them. "Order, people! Order! We shall hear from Clays lawyer before the final decision is made."

My lawyer stands and starts rambling on about how NOT guilty I am when I really am I just want to be over. "Clay how do you plead?" The judge says as she looks down upon me. I stare back at her in the eyes. "Your honour, I plead guilty."

I feel ashamed and stared at. She calls a ten minute break so she can consult her higher ups on what sentence to lay upon me. When she returns she is no longer holding her notes, but instead a sad glint in her eyes. "Clay Green, you're guilty. You are on death row which will be held on the 15th of July."

Hello kings and queens! Longer chapter this time. Sorry if most of this is completely inaccurate I had no clue how to write this chapter.

No song reference this time:]

Date- 19-1-22
Words- 1144

The more you love, the more you suffer [TW]Where stories live. Discover now