7~ please forgive me, please accept this!

7 1 0

"I sat in my room for what felt like years. Texting George every 5 minutes wanting him to reply to me, just telling me he doesn't want to talk. Just anything.

Me: George please reply
Me: Just say anything
Me: Say that you never want to see me again
Me: Say that you hate me
Me: please George
Me: Just anything
Me: Say something
Me: please

I felt like I was going insane, going crazy over someone I met only a few days ago. I just wanted him to say something to me I didn't care what he said just something letting me know he was ok. I had to tell him what I felt, how I felt about him.

Me: George if you are reading these can you meet me at the park?
Me: Like now?
Me: I need to say something in person

I texted as I finished up my pathetic pleading. I had walked to the park and anxiously waited for him to show, bouncing my leg and I sat on the swings again. It's hard to believe it was only last night we had saw eachother on those swings.

I had lost hope as I had waited 45 minutes for him but right as I was going to leave he began walking towards me with his hands in his pockets staring at his feet. He stopped in front of me still looking at his feet waiting for me to say something.

"George I- This isn't going to be easy for either of us but..." I began, George had no intention of listening to me or talking back apart from standing infront of me. "We both know who I really am. And I truly regret everything that I had done in the past I was dumb-''

"The past?! You killed someone yesterday! How could you possibly regret that!" He snapped at me, tears forming at the back of my eyes. "Well I'm sorry mr perfect! We can't all be and perfect as you George!" I yelled back at him letting my salty tears roll down my cheeks.

"Just listen to me. Please." I pleaded at him looking at my feet now.

"George, I... I know we only met a few days ago but- George I... I think I like you George. More than just a friend George."

I glared up at him through my eyebrows he just stood there completely blank looking. He had no clue what to say at all. "There is something about you that make me feel guilty for liking you, George. I love everything about you, I want to learn more about you" I say as I desperately needed to shut the hell up and listen to what George wanted to say.

"Clay I..." He began before he was cut off by the sound of police sirens blearing closer and closer. "Shit." I said before I look back at George he looked as terrified as I felt. "Clay! Please just run! I'll be fine!" He yelled as he tried to push me to run off. I gave him puppy dog eyes not wanting to leave him alone. "Please just go." He finally said before I had ran off. But I could hear him fall to his knees on the ground as a police officer arrested him harshly to the ground as he laid flat on his stomach.

I ran until I collapsed to the ground. I would not let George get arrested for me to just get locked up in jail for the rest of my life. No matter how hard I would try to prevent it, my life would crumble around me until I was left sitting in a dark hole alone.

As I collapsed I could hear the splashes of shoes running through puddles to quickly arrest me. I didn't want to get arrested but I had no other options. "Hands behind your head!" I heard as someone yanked my hands down from head to behind my back."

Short chapter today, I know but it's going to be worth it for the next chapter( I hope), it's not longer but the plot thickens so uh yeah :]

Paragraph 11 "There's something about you that makes me feel guilty for liking you" is from the song 'Looking out for you' by Joy again!

Date- 19-1-22
Words- 668

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