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Lucas is a pirate and ljekiel is a merman

ljekiel gets captured by other pirates and Lucas stumbled upon him and "rescues" him

Unbeknown to the merman, his savior originally thought of selling him just like what his first captures were planning. After all, he was a merman. A bloody merman! It would give Lucas millions of gold!

Ijekiel was infuriated and felt betrayed when he found out, attempting to escape. But all of his attempts were futile for he had no human legs that could help him escape and get out of the massive tank he was trapped in.

He fails after alot of attempts because what could someone with a tail instead of legs manage to get out?

Lonely and homesick for staying away from the sea for far too long, Ijekiel did what he always did when he wanted to cope; sing. Merpeople were blessed with beautiful voices, rumours say that it can heal wounded, and others say it can revive the dead. For their voices were far too angelic to be considered normal. It was one of the reasons why merpeople worth so much for the humans.

Ijekiel started to sing every night, blessing the pirate's ship with his beautiful voice. Due to the all the singing, Lucas would always wake up in the middle of the night, just when Ijekiel starts his seemingly countless songs.

The pirate starts talking to him, visiting him whenever he awoke in the middle of the night due to boredom but the merman always ignored him, as if he didn't exist. Unfortunately for him, Lucas didn't care. As long as he had someone to talk to, it didn't matter. As long as it was someone who actually listened. Eventually getting tired of the pirate's nightly rambling, Ijekiel bedrudgingly starts talking back... Which shouldn't have made Lucas as happy as he did but it did... And his talking voice was surprisingly pleasing to hear.

They get closer the more nights they spent witch each other, and Ijekiel could sometimes forget that he was homesick. He started appreciating the pirate's company more and more as time went by while Lucas starts to feel guilty about attempting to sell him.

But then he falls inlove slowly once he realised how fucking beautiful this merman was because he's kind, compassionate and was so pretty how could you not fall for him?? He was a great listener, witty... and he was everything Lucas loved.

Ijekiel, unfortunately for him, starts growing feelings as well. And of course he tried to ignore those feelings. After all, he was a merman and the other was human. They simply cannot be together. It went againts his beliefs and everything he was taught to in the ocean as the Prince of the merpeople.

Lucas, after alot of contemplating, felt bad about keeping the merman in his ship and away from his home. And he realised... that what was the point of him being with him on the shore when he wasn't truly happy? Lucas was observant. He knew that Ijekiel genuinely liked his company, but that didn't keep him from missing his family and home. So the pirate thought and thought... Until he came to the decision that he should set him free and go back to the sea, where he rightfully belonged.

He told Ijekiel that he was willing to let him go, and the merman was ecstatic, if not also hesitant to go. After all, he had gotten used to the pirate's company and it would certainly be weird to no longer hear his voice during the night and listen to everything he says as he talks about himself, with nothing but the merman and the silence listening to him.

As Lucas watches him contemplate, he gathered the courage to ask, "Can you... stay? You know, with me..." He winced as the words came out of his mouth, dreading how much he sounded insecure and desperate.

ljekiel looks at him softly, and then realising something. He wasn't dense, he saw how the pirate looked at him with pure adoration, how he listened intently as he rambled about his home, and how he watches him with fondness. He knew that he liked him, and ljekiel did too, but he couldn't stay.

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