30 [18+]

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It was Saturday night. Usually, Ijekiel would finish his work at five and go to bed by seven.

Lucas frowned. It's been past eight, and he's been waiting on Ijekiel's bed since six. Lucas tapped the bed with his fingers mindlessly, despite hearing no noise from the softness of the mattress.

He's late.

He was never late. He should have arrived an hour ago. They should have been in each other's arms by now, fucking like rabbits. Lucas did not like waiting. Was Ijekiel avoiding him?

The thought displeased him. It made him anxious. Was Ijekiel tired of him? Was he no longer good enough for him? That can't be, right? He promised. He promised and told Lucas he was the only one.

He was supposed to be the only one.

The anxiousness inside him grew. He was itching to search for Ijekiel, to find out whether or not he was doing something Lucas would hate more than anything. He felt like screaming but restrained himself. He knew how much Ijekiel hated it when people were shouting.

His hands clenched into fists as he sat, and he took deep breaths. The last thing he needed was to lose control over his emotions because of his need to feel better about himself. Ijekiel would not like that. If he did something Ijekiel didn't like, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. Ijekiel would leave him. And he'd be left all alone again. He didn't want that. Don't leave. Don't leave. Don't leave. Don't leave dontleavedontleavedontleavedontleave.

Ah. He didn't realise he was biting his lip. He could taste blood.

Lucas sighed, letting himself plop on the bed. Ijekiel should be here soon, right? He wouldn't leave him without saying anything. Something must have been holding him back. Lucas wanted to destroy that something. How dare whatever it is hold him back from going to Lucas? The thought made him want to make everything disappear.

The door creaked open. Lucas sat up. Ijekiel was standing there, looking like he didn't expect to see Lucas in his room — which was absurd. He should know that Lucas would pass by every night just to see him. When did he ever not go to him, begging like a lost dog in search of its master?

"Lucas." Ijekiel smiled, almost looking relieved. "I didn't think you'd still be here." He said, walking towards his closet and opening it to look for something new to wear. He slipped his coat off. Lucas watched him.

Something was off. His usually neat hair was slightly more dishevelled, his lips looked like they were swollen, and there was a foreign scent Lucas had never smelled before hanging around him. Ijekiel took off his shirt revealing a fresh mark on his neck. 

Lucas froze.

A hickey. A fucking hickey.

Something inside him snapped.

Lucas walked towards Ijekiel. He grabbed him by the shoulder, turning him around to face him directly. He could barely mask the anger on his face. He felt like killing someone. His red eyes glowed bright as a dark shadow masked his face.

Even in this situation, Ijekiel had the audacity to look clueless with his angelic smile that Lucas had loved so, so much. "What's wrong?" He asked, putting a palm to cup Lucas's face. His touch felt comforting, but it did nothing to subside Lucas's anger.

"Who was it." It came out more of a demand than a question.

Lucas saw red as he saw Ijekiel's lips slightly curved into a smirk. Ah. Of course. He was toying with him again. And just like usual, Lucas played with him. "Would you like to know?"

"....No." Lucas whispered, eyes glowing dangerously as he looked at Ijekiel. "I'll just kill everyone who has the same scent that rubbed off on you."

He felt him shiver, his pale skin slightly flushing pink. Lucas looked down on the hickey someone dared to put on him, and he felt his anger come back. No one was allowed to touch Ijekiel but him. He was the only one supposed to be allowed to leave marks on him. He took a breath. First, he needed to do something about the mark.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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