No reason

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and i'm sorry that i haven't updated in a long time, i just really needed to rest during Christmas break, school really took a toll on me.
And i also had a writers block but then my little sister came up with this idea, so enjoy!

I was dancing with Emira and it was amazing.

We had danced together the entire night.
It felt like the world had stopped.

I leaned my head on her shoulder and hugged her as we slowly swayed to the music.
But that moment was shortened.
"May I borrow your date?" A male voice asked Emira. A very annoying voice, and I knew just who that voice belonged to. The Golden Guard.
I looked up at him but he wasn't wearing his usual mask this time. He was still wearing a mask, but this time it was one of those masquerade masks. This time I could see half of his face, and his eyes.
'Damn he got some beautiful eyes.
He wasn't even wearing his usual white cloak to cover his hair.
'Bruh, he even got nice hair'
He was wearing a white cloak but not over his head, a white button up shirt and black pants.
He looked good.

Emira sighed and let go of me. And short after I felt his gloved hands on my hips.
"Now care to explain why you want to dance with me." I asked.
"Dunno, just felt like it."
"You mean you just felt like ruining my night with Emira."
"Chill, I just wanted one dance, one song. Then you can go back to Emira." He said while dipping me, with the biggest smirk on his face.
"You didn't really answer my question." I said.
"What question?"
"Why you wanted to dance with me."
"I don't need to have a reason."
I scoffed.
"Fine don't tell me then." I said as he lifted me.

We kept dancing without saying a word, and it felt like the whole world was gone.
Just me and him, and I have to admit he was a pretty good dancer.
And suddenly he dipped me again.

And I came back to reality.
There was no music, no movement just every single person in the room staring at us.
I looked up at his magenta eyes.
"You know, I only asked for one song, not four." He said while smirking still dipping me.
I gasped, before I could say anything his lips were on mine.
And a second later he lifted me back up.
"Thank you for this dance, Y/n."
He said while walking out of the room.
I was speechless, and so was everyone else on the room.
I looked behind me and locked eyes with Emira. A look of betrayal on her face.
I felt myself grow angry.
'That motherfucker just ruined my night and probably my relationship with Emira as well '

Everyone was staring at me as I stood there, becoming more enraged by the second.
"DONT YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO DO" I shouted at everyone in the room who immediately went back to dancing.
I ran out of the room, searching the whole school for The Golden Guard.

And I eventually found him on the balcony.
"Why? You just ruined my relationship with Emira" I said.
He turned around slowly and walked up to me.
"Didn't I tell you before? I don't need to have a reason." He said getting very close to my face.
"Yes you d-" I said before I was interrupted.

"BYEEEEEE" He exclaimed before teleporting out of there.

I sighed as I leaned on the railing.
'Confusing motherfucker'

A/n: Really bad chapter I know, in my defense I was very tired while writing this. :)

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