Thanks to Them (Part 1)

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i'm back again, slaaay. yeah i'm not entirely sure of what i should say, so i won't bore you with some unnecessary words.

Y/n and Hunter were dating for a while, until he chose the emperor instead of her. Now that he has switched sides, things have been a bit awkward. Y/n still has something lingering in her heart and so does Hunter. They aren't exactly friends now, more like associates that have to work together. Y/n is a witch, really powerful, top, badass, orphan, her palisman is an arctic fox, pro at abomination magic and bard magic and lowkey heartbroken slay. But of course she doesn't show it cause we love a wannabe emotionless, heartbroken bitch.


I listened to the drops, the cold drops, hitting against the kitchen window.
I found it rather calming. Or at least I told myself that. I was still visibly shaking from... well... everything. I tried to sit as still as I could, but a hand on my shoulder only made it worse.
I flinched and whipped around, only to see Mrs. Noceda standing there, a cup in her hand with sad smile on her face.
I sighed in relief, before accepting the cup.

Only a few seconds later, I saw Luz and Hunter walk into the room again.
Luz sat down next to her girlfriend Amity, and Hunter... sat down next to me.
I immediately tensed up, my knuckles turned white as I held the cup in my hand, trying not to shake.
I don't know why, but having him close to me, after everything that happened only made it worse.
But at the same time, I wanted him to be close to me. I sighed quietly, frustrated.

"Okay, so in the demon realm. You fought the evil Emperor Belos who turned into a monster..." Camila spoke.
"Well, he started out human." Gus corrected her.
Camila shot him a look. "Right, but he was defeated by a newer, smaller bad guy?"
Willow sighed. "The Collector. We don't know what he is or how Belos found him."
"Who knows if we'll ever figure that out!?" Luz spoke panicked. I perked my head up at her sudden reaction. I swear I could even see a small sweat bead forming on her forehead. Is she hiding something?
Luz continued. "But they're creating a lot of chaos."
"We have to do whatever it takes to get back." Amity spoke.
Mrs. Noceda smiled. "And you will. But for now, you should all rest. You're all safe here."
I smiled at her words that I really wanted to believe, but something at the back of my head was still nagging me.
Something just didn't feel right.

Mrs. Noceda asked Luz to bring the girls up to her room while she took Hunter and Gus down to the basement.

Vee stood in front of us, displaying some kind of weird box-device?
"In the morning, instead of screaming, it'll do this!" She exclaimed before pushing a button on top of it.

The box thing then let out a horrible sound.
Amity, Willow and I all gasped at the sound, ready to take action immediately.
"Don't worry Vee!" Amity shouted. "We'll keep you safe!" Willow finished.
I summoned my guitar (bass) and struck the strings quickly. Which caused the box to go flying at the wall, right before Willows vine crushed it to pieces.

I turned around and saw Amity protecting Vee with her body, before walking up to us and fist bumping us.
"Good work." Willow said. "It's dead." I proudly said.

~Cue the Montage~

Later on, we all went back to the shack. Redecorating it.

I watched as Luz came out to her mom as bisexual. I didn't even know there were terms for who you like. Seems pretty stupid, why would you have to put a label in yourself? Why can't we just like who we like? End of discussion.

I tried on some new, cool clothes. Really liking how it looked on me. I glanced up and saw Hunter gazing at me, before quickly turning away. I frowned and walked off to Vee who had got a new a awesome human form.

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