Chapter 27

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You retreat to your room crying. Embarrassed by everything that just took place. You look down at your hands and wonder, "are my powers really back."

You suck in the tears and stand in front of the mirror. You concentrate on lifting it with your mind. Suddenly you see your eye ignite and the mirror starts floating a few feet off the floor. You move your hands side to side moving the mirror through the air. You smile with satisfaction. When your smile hits your face your eyes suddenly turn purple and your hands quickly follow. You place the mirror back on the ground. "Now purple. What's happening with my power?"

You hear a knock at the door.

You reluctantly answer, "come in."

Tony walks in hesitantly. "I come in peace."

You roll your eyes and give him a small smile.

"Can we talk nugget?"

You nod yes and sit on the bed. He walks over and sits next to you taking you by the hands.

"Serenity, I'm sorry."

You quickly interrupt, "no dad I'm sorry. I just got angry."

He covers your mouth, "don't interrupt your father. I'm sorry that everything you said was true. We have all been trying so hard to keep you calm and safe from yourself. We didn't know what would happen when your powers returned. Luckily, I can say that was probably the best outcome. You are a grown woman and deserve to be treated as such. I promise to loosen my grip. I'm still not a fan of this Loki situation but you are a great judge of character and I trust your heart. Just keep the PDA to a minimum please."

You laugh and push your shoulder against his.

"Hey look at me,"

You look at him with tears in your eyes.

"You know I love you more than anything in the world. You will always be my little chicken nugget no matter how old you get. And I will be here..."

He stops mid-sentence and gives you a strange look.

"Dad," you ask concerned.

"Um Serenity, your eyes are glowing yellow."

You look toward the mirror and see the gold hue of your eyes before they fade back to your natural color.

"First purple, now gold," you say out loud.

"Purple," Tony exclaims, "when were they purple?"

You study your hands for a moment when you realize what's happening.

"Dad, go find Bruce and meet me in the lab. I think I know what's happening."

He nods.

You quickly exit your room and bumped straight into Loki's chest as you round a corner. He quickly catches you.

"I was just coming to check on you. Where are you going in such a hurry?"

You grab him and plant a kiss on his lips.

"I figured it out. I will explain everything later okay," you hurry past him.

"Alright," he says, very confused.

Tony stands beside him and pats his shoulder. "She's an interesting one. You sure you want to be involved with all that."

Loki looks at him and smiles, "come on Stark. You aren't getting rid of me that easily."

"Well, it was worth a shot," Tony shrugs.

Down in the lab you are explaining your theory to Bruce and Tony.

"Okay so we all know that my eyes turned red in the training center, purple when I was able to control my powers and then gold when dad was talking to me."

They both nod.

"I think the color of my powers reflect my emotions. Obviously red is anger, I think purple is excitement and gold is happiness."

Bruce nods "that would explain it. I mean your powers are directly mutated to your DNA now. They weren't before the shocks, so you only showed one color."

Tony taps his fingers, "well knowing that, does it change how we need to train your powers?"

"I don't think so," you reply. "Just know that if I turn red take cover or run away." You laugh.

The three of you spend the rest of the night coming up with a plan to retrain your powers back to your full potential.

You glance over at the clock and see that it says 3 AM.

"We should really call it a night," Bruce says with a yawn.

"Yeah, you might be right," you respond. "We can pick it back up tomorrow. Goodnight."

You walk back to your room and crawl into bed. As you lay there, you wonder.

You close your eyes concentrating on trying to enter Loki's mind. Suddenly you can see his dreams.

You can see him on top of you, his hands touching every inch of your body. You quickly roll-on top of him so he can see your face and body as you ride him.

Your eyes snap back open and you think to yourself "well at least he does think of me in that way. Don't worry Loki. I'll make your dreams come true soon enough."

The next morning you walk downstairs and can hear everyone laughing from the balcony. You take a deep breath and join them outside.

"Hey everybody," you say nervously. "I just wanted to apologize to everyone about yesterday. The things I said were uncalled for. I am truly sorry."

They all laugh it off as if it never happened.

As they begin to head inside you acknowledge them one by one.

You give Wanda a hug, Steve kisses your hand, Sam gives you a fist bump, Vision bows his head, Nat hugs you, Bucky bumps your arm, Clint kisses your forehead and Thor winks at you. Before Thor walks away, he whispers in your mind, "there's someone else who wants to speak with you."

You see Loki staring at you from across the balcony. You walk over toward him.

"Loki I'm very sorry for what I said yest..." before you can finish your sentence, he kisses you.

When he pulls away you look at him. "Loki, I was trying to apologize."

He laughs, "no apologies necessary my love."

You hug him and lay your head on his chest.

"So, are you going to tell me what all the excitement from last night was about?"

"I promise I'll tell you all about it. I have a few things I need to do today first. Come to my room at 9 tonight and I will tell you all about it."

He nods and kisses you once more before you leave him standing on the balcony.

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