Chapter 19

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The ship finally reaches earth's atmosphere. Tony and Loki haven't left your side for the last 24 hours. No one has said a word. They have stopped the bleeding from your wound, but you are still unconscious.

Bruce finally breaks the silence. "Once we get her back to the compound, she can get the proper care she needs. She will make it through this."

Tony has a tear fall from his eye and it lands on your hand. He looks at Wanda and calls her over.

She approaches the gurney and looks at Tony.

"See if she's still in there."

Wanda looks at Tony reluctantly. "Tony is too early for that. Even if I don't feel her, it doesn't mean she isn't there. She needs time to heal. Don't do this to yourself."

Tony yells "just do it."

Wanda looks down at you and places her hand on your head. She closes her eyes, and a tear falls down her face.

She opens her eyes and looks back at Tony. "She's still in there."

He breathes a sigh of relief.

He leans toward your ear. "Listen to me right now nugget. You stay with me. Okay? We are going to get you all fixed up. Stay with me."

A few days pass and you still haven't woken up. Loki and Tony haven't left your side, but they haven't spoken to each other.

Loki turns and looks at Bruce, "why hasn't she woken up yet? It's been 3 days."

Bruce shakes his head. "I told you guys it might take a while. Her body and mind are having to recover from something very traumatic. She's lucky to be alive. Give her some time."

They both focus their eyes back on you.

Later that night Nat and Wanda enter the room.

Nat, "why don't you guys go get some food and take a break. You sitting here and staring at her isn't going to make her wake up. Walk away for a few."

Wanda steps in, "we will sit with her for a while. You guys go get some air."

Both men nod their heads and walk out of the lab and head toward the kitchen. Steve, Thor, Clint, Sam, and Bucky are sitting around the table.

"Anything," asks Steve.

Tony just shakes his head no as he pours himself a drink.

Loki sits next to Thor. Thor grabs his shoulder and smiles at him.

"She'll wake up," Loki says, "she's still in there."

Tony slams his drink on the counter shattering the glass. His eyes burn straight at Loki.

"And what the hell are you doing entering her mind when she's trying to heal. And while we are on the subject, care to explain to me how long this thing has been going on between you two?"

All the guys look at Loki confused.

Sam speaks up, "what's going on guys."

Tony walks toward the table. "Go on Loki. Tell them how when we found her you took the time to kiss her. Tell them how you've been sending her these secret messages through her mind."

Loki stands up, "calm down Stark."

Tony exclaims, "calm down! You almost killed her 7 years ago. And now you expect me to, what, let you date her? Kiss her? Have your hands on her? I don't think so reindeer games."

Loki walks closer to Tony's face. "Careful Stark, you are going to say something you will regret."

They start fighting. Everyone jumps from the table to break them apart.

Steve yells "this isn't helping. You both are terrified for her, that's obvious. You two need to walk away. How do you think she would feel knowing two men she cared for deeply were beating each other's asses? Walk away."

Tony shrugs Clint and Bucky's hands off his arms.

"I'm going back to my daughter," he points toward Loki, "you stay away from her."

He turns around and storms off.

Loki starts to move toward the lab, but Thor and Sam hold him back. Thor grabs him. "Let's talk a walk brother." He leads him outside.

They start walking around the compound. Thor breaks the silence. "So, I'm guessing Stark found out."

Loki shakes his head, "you are quite observant aren't you brother."

Thor just smiles and looks over at him. "What now? I know you aren't going to let her go because Stark told you to."

"Of course, I'm not letting her go. Especially not now. Before she passed out on the ship, she entered my mind."

Thor looks surprised, "wait, she entered your mind. Not the other way around."

Loki nods. "Yes, she entered my mind and told me to not forget her and that she loved me."

Thor stops dead in his tracks. "Well, that does complicate things doesn't it.

"I intend on making her mine and never letting her go again."

Thor has never heard Loki speak so sincerely.

He slaps his back, "well brother I will do what I can to help. But for the time being I suggest you tread lightly until Stark simmers some."

Loki nods in agreement and they continue walking again.

They almost make it back to the front of the compound when Bucky comes running toward them.

"Where's the fire Barnes," Thor laughs.

Bucky catches a breath before looking at Loki. "she's waking up."

Loki's eyes widen and he takes off running inside. With every twist and turn his heart races. He just needs to see your eyes.

He makes it back to the lab where Bruce has been keeping a close eye on you. Nat and Wanda are in the corner crying tears of happiness. He sees Clint lift his head from yours after kissing your forehead. "Good to see you awake kid," he says happily.

Loki still can't see your face but hears your voice. "Thanks Clint," you say softly.

Your voice cuts through Loki like a hot knife through butter. Tony's body is blocking his view of you so moves to the other side of your bed and grabs your hand.

You look up to see his eyes beaming at you.

"About time you show up," you softly laugh.

He can't resist the urge. He leans down and kisses you on the lips. Right in front of Tony.

When he pulls away you look at Tony who is no longer looking at you. His eyes smolder toward Loki. You squeeze Tony's hand as he goes to stand.

"We can discuss all of this later. But for now, can we all just relax. I don't have the energy to deal with you two fighting right now. Let's just focus on the fact that I'm alive. Please"

Your words force Tony to sit back down and break the staring contest between him and Loki.

"You're right nugget," he says looking back at you.

You smile and nod at him.

"So now can someone please tell me what happened. The last thing I remember is blood gushing from my stomach."

Everyone's face turns hard. "What," you say, growing increasingly worried.

Steve pats you on the head, "we will let your dad tell you everything."

He signals for everyone to follow him. The only people that remain in the room are you, Tony, and Bruce. But Loki is just around the corner listening to every word.

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