Chapter 16.

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"No." I responded. Lying again. I was scared to death. How was I not suppose to be afraid? My boyfriend, I think he is, who is also my best friend is fighting in a war with newborns.

The field was gloomy and by the mountains. It was huge and big enough to fight in, which was perfect. Ashton, Calum, Mikey and Luke are recruiting people to join so they will be back in a couple of days. Hopefully the new borns don't come just yet.

"Come on, I will show you where we are staying. " Harry spoke lowly. He turned around and I hopped on his back. I held on tight as he started to run. I closed my eyes only to open them again a second after. We were on the top of a mountain. I was staring at the view until I heard rustling behind me. I turned around and saw Harry standing next to the set up tent.

"What are we?" I asked quietly. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You are mine and I am yours. I would assume we are in a relationship." He smirked at me and I smiled. "You should smile more." He told me then started to lean in. His lips met mine in a passionate kiss. Our lips moved in sync and I couldn't be happier. We pulled back for air and leaned our foreheads against one another. "You're so beautiful." He spoke slowly. I didn't respond to that because I always get awkward with compliments.

"Hey guys!" Niall spoke when he came up to us. I smiled at him but Harry did not look so pleased.

"Hey Ni. What's up?" I asked.

"Ni?" Harry growled and I nodded.

"His nickname. "I told him.

"Any who, Zayn wants to talk to you." Niall told Harry. Harry nodded and walked off.

"Hey, do you think we could probably go out, in the town?" I asked Niall, he thought about it for a bit until he finally nodded his head. I hopped on his back, I am getting pretty used to this. He ran to the car and we both hopped in. We headed to the towns mall so that I could see other people instead of vampires and werewolves. I walked in with Niall seeing so many different stores.

"Which one do you want to go to first?" Niall asked.

"Food court. Im hungry." I told him walking fast to the area.

"I miss food." He told me while looking around at everyone eating. "I miss breathing too. Strange I know."

"That's not strange, I can kind of understand." I walked up to a pizza place thing and got two slices of pepperoni pizza.

"Oh my gosh!" A girl squealed, I turned around and saw her and her friend running up to us. Once I saw who it was I started to squeeze my hands in a fist. "Is this Harry??" Haley spoke and my eyes went as wide as the earth. Really? They are seriously doing this? Niall was confused at first but then understood. I gave him a look that said 'don't say anything'. I could tell he wanted to just as bad as I do. I smirked and started to eat my pizza.

"Okay so after the food court where else should we go? I want to get some new clothes." I told him. Niall caught on immediately, trying not to laugh.

"We can go to hot topic, I know how you love that place." Niall said. I could practically feel the anger off of them two.

"Oh yeah, because she's emo." Kenzi smirked. I just rolled my eyes and continued eating. Haley bent down to my ear and started to speak but only so that I can hear.

"Is this your little boyfriend? I wonder if he knows about Harry. I bet when he finds out he would think you're just as crazy as we do." She spoke and looked over at him. "How does a girl like you end up with a guy like him?" She asked.

"He does know about Harry so nice try. He is friends with Harry. Does it feel good to try to bring people down? Cause I find it fucking hilarious on how hard you are trying to tear me down. Also he isn't my boyfriend. My boyfriend is back at the house, he is my best friend that knows everything and doesn't think any differently of me. So if you don't mind I would like to eat my food without getting a headache at your presence." I smirked and turned to my food and ate. They were pissed and I was proud. They saw that they weren't able to mess with me so they walked off.

"Damn, you got them." Niall said laughing. I nodded and finished up my food. I threw my trash away and we headed to hot topic. The rest of the day involved shooping from a few stores, looking around, getting ice cream and talking. We were there for about two hours until we got back to the field.

When we got back the boys were around the field, even Ashton and them were there. We had gone around and marked my blood on trees and made sure Ashton carried me up to the tent.

I got inside the tent and fell asleep immediatelly.

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