Chapter 5

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Mama's Boy

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Mama's Boy

   THE PAIN OF LAST NIGHT STILL REMAINED as I slowly woke up in a metal chair with my hands and legs tied.

   "Your hair grew out baby"

   El's melodic voice infiltrated my mind through the night, it was almost like she was here. It was hurting my fucking brain.

   "You're still beautiful as ever"

   Was I dead?

   I squinted my eyes at the bright warehouse lights, "Great, You're awake"

   I popped up and the voice was the girl from last night. The girl from last night (whose name I couldn't remember) sat in another metal chair in front of mine with a glass of water. I mustered up the tightest glare I could.

   "Where am I?" I yelled out thrashing in the chair which only set a smile on her face and quickly turned into a frown when I almost fell over.

   "If you fall over I don't think I'll be able to pick you up, so cool it, big guy" She smirked which made me even angrier

   "Let's get right on schedule, shall we?" She smiled and tossed a hand through her icy hair "Do you want water?"

   My throat was insanely dry but I refused, "It's not drugged...if that's what you're wondering"

    She took a large sip out of the cup and swallowed it slowly, she gave me a long and antagonizing spin my eyes going over her entire body, "See? I'm perfectly fine"

   She looked like she was sculpted by gods

   "You either agree or I'll do it myself, you're still drinking the water, Roman" My name on her lips felt like a death wish.

   I gave her another glare before nodding slowly, she walked over to the front of the chair our eyes meeting.

   Green met Gray.

   She slowly grabbed my chin and tipped it up, our eyes still connected the whole time. Her fingers only slightly brushed my lips before they parted and the cold liquid ran down my throat and I swallowed.

   "Good boy" She smirked and I let out a growl of distaste, she started walking to the huge metal door but I held her back.

   "What am I doing here?!" I yelled and she just smiled.

   "You'll find out soon enough" Was all she said before the door slammed closed and I was enveloped in darkness.


   It was almost 3 hours later when the bright lights turned back on and a pain in my neck started to form.

   A cold hand on my face shot me awake, it was the girl. She dragged a line from my lips, past my jaw, and to the tip of my ear with her finger slowly waking me.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫 [𝟏𝟖+] - ✐Where stories live. Discover now