Chapter 30

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When Chu Xuan and Yan Mengsheng came back from the courtyard, they smelled a very pungent perfume in the house. The smell could go directly to the nasal cavity, frowning unpleasantly, and their heads distended.

    When Chu Xuan was about to pinch his nose, a hand with a cold woody fragrance covered his nose and mouth. It didn't cover it tightly, but just gently covered it. The fragrance seemed to be able to cover it. Live the rich fragrance of perfume.

    The frowning brows slowly relaxed, and the woody fragrance lingered in the nose, with a deceptively good smell.

    Yan Mengsheng also frowned and covered his mouth and nose. The smell was really terrifying. He whispered, "Go out first. This smell affects your physical and mental health."

    Chu Xuan nodded very lightly.

.Out of the room, Yan Mengsheng called Meng He, with a distant expression, frowning in disgust, "Ventilate the inside, I don't want to go in again and smell the suffocating smog."

    Meng He nodded immediately and entered the house with Lingzi. The few people who had just entered almost choked on the smell. They immediately opened the windows to ventilate. No wonder Master Yan and the others didn't like the smell, it was too strong.

    Fang Zhen had just sprayed on the perfume on the first floor after taking a shower. It was not five minutes before she wore home clothes from upstairs and was blown by the wind blowing back and forth. She quickly ordered the servant to close the windows. Who knew the servant said : "Master Yan let the air ventilate, and it can be turned off only after the smell is gone."

    Fang Zhen was not cold enough, and the servants ignored her, and finally sneezed several times in a row, shivering and shuddering back upstairs.

.Sitting on the swing, Chu Xuan was still thinking about the light smell. He liked that the woody scent of Yan Mengsheng's body made people unconsciously approaching. He was attracted by this smell when he visited the mall last time and was buried in his neck. Sniffed for a while.

    Later, I felt too gaffeful and stopped smelling it.

    The swing is big enough. Yan Mengsheng leaned on the other end of the swing. He didn’t know where to find a book. He turned page by page. The warm wind was blowing on his black hair. The wind only moved slightly. The look of the book is very serious, and the line of sight quickly scans the content of each page. This is probably a rare soft time for Yan Mengsheng. Chu Xuan's gaze fell on the white wrist after he rolled up his sleeves. The scars left by him had faded a lot. Up to now, he hadn't seen any new scars. He smiled in relief like a loving father, and said to Yan Mengsheng. I am very happy with the changes made.

.Yan Mengsheng Yu Guang noticed that the child next to him had been looking at him for a long time. He turned his head, and the slightly raised peachy eyes had their own charm. It was a normal glimpse, but it seemed to flow inadvertently and tenderly. The two eyes met and the latter was taken aback. He didn't expect Yan Mengsheng to notice that he was looking at him.

    The weather is warm, and the appropriate warmth makes people feel relaxed. Yan Mengsheng is now like a lazy and cozy large cat, throwing a lazy gaze towards Chu Xuan, and his gleaming eyes look straight back at Chu. Hanging eyes.

    Faced with such soft and attractive eyes, the experienced face-controlled Chu Xuan, coupled with such a perverse and criminal face, slowly extended a little pink at the base of his ears.

    "Does it look good?" Yan Mengsheng seemed to be guiding Chu Xuan, and asked gently.

.Chu Xuan nodded almost without hesitation, his eyes were shining, as if he was looking at some shining gem, and he said with a milky voice, "It looks good."

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