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Sorry if it took too long, just over a month or 34 days to be exact. I had a bunch of moments where I just ran out of ideas and just wasn't able two write anything at all. School was also very busy and hectic, taking out the free time I would have used to write.




(Bold) = Author

Bold Italized = Time signatures (eg. The next day)

Italized = Thoughts

(Bold Italized= Video time signatures (eg. (1:55 - 2:15))


On the other side of the transmission reveals the two best fighters of the Sakura Empire sitting on a rock, Akagi and Kaga.

Kaga: Ready when you are "Phoenix", just say the word.

Akagi: Tell me, Kaga. What's the fundamental nature of battle?

Kaga: Please sister Akagi, use my codename.

Akagi: To battle is to inflict injury. To battle is to receive injury. Therefore, to battle is a mutual exchange of pain.

Akagi: (Doing questionable actions) Through pain, we understand each other's feelings. In other means, when we battle, we share love.

Kaga: (Stands up) I don't fully understand what you are saying. I battle to destroy my enemies. That is all, plain and simple.

Dark clouds shadow the waters as storms and mist build up. Holding a black cube, Akagi spawns mass produced siren ships at her disposal inside the mist.

Akagi: Now... We've waited long enough. Let's start this war.


I'm at the deck of the ship, sailing towards Pearl Harbor next to Enterprise which looked emotionless. It's quite windy out here, and the waves have intensified a bit since the calm waters this morning. Clouds are starting to move in although it's not raining at this time. I'm contemplating about launching one of my hawkeyes as a precaution, just in case anything bad happens but I'm not sure yet. Suddenly a bad feeling arose from my mind but I'm still contemplating things.

My mind: Why do I feel bad about something. Like something awful is going to happen. 

My mind: Maybe just a hunch. Well, just in case anything happen I'll launch a hawkeye and observe the base from altitude.

One of the E2-C Hawkeyes on my deck roared to life with it's engines spinning. It taxied towards the bow of the ship and lined up with the second catapult from the starboard. The catapult barriers then lift up from the deck. I then moved myself next to the plane, acting as the shooter. I lift my left arm up and spun my fingers, making the plane throttle it's engine to full power. After the engines went full power, I went on my knees facing the bow and did a finger gun towards the sea, with the catapult launching it to it's takeoff speed, the plane successfully flew towards the skies. With the hawkeye launched from the carrier, the ship's radio turned on with Enterprise suddenly speaking.

Enterprise: (Through the radio) Since you are now part of the Eagle Union, you now must fly the Eagle Union flag to not confuse the ones we're going to meet. I left it at your captain's quarters.

Nimitz: (Through the radio) Can I still fly my original flag? At least it'll give me something to remember my origins.

Enterprise: (Through the radio) Yes you could. If you want to fly it, go ahead. But keep in mind, the Eagle Union flag is always placed the highest against the others. So if you want to fly your own flag, make sure it's below the Eagle Union one.

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