Chapter 3: A Demon or An Angel

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Welcome to another chapter!!

So so sorry for the long wait!!

I did my best to make this chapter longer for all of you who waited patiently<3

Thank you so so much for reading and supporting this story!

Now let's get into this chapter hehe~!


Deciding to keep the doll was not a good idea but they still push through since it seems like a HARMLESS little thing. It has been staying in Bonten's hideout for about 3 days now and as of lately everything was going fine.

They don't know why they were somehow feeling connected and comfortable being with the haunted thing but they don't seem to regret it after all it cooks, cleans, and in a way it helps Mikey's sanity to remain intact and improve too.

Mikey too seemed to be really really attached to the haunted doll. In a way, it gives comfort, warmth, and love.

Plus Bonten's hideout seemed to be brighter. The heavy atmosphere that envelopes everyone was lessened. Making everyone breathe much better, and work better.

"Good Morning!!!" Sanzu shouted rubbing his eyes with black circles underneath it. As soon as he saw that he was the last one to arrive at the dining table.

"G'Morning pink jellyfish!" Rindou said as he snickers behind his brother.

"You piece of-"  A pan came flying right at the pinkette's face making him fall on the ground.

Everyone bursted laughing at the pinkette knowing who was the one who threw the pan at the pinkette.


"It has a name Sanzu." Mikey commented. The doll on his lap as he pets the messy fluffy white locks of Takemichi.

"Yeah! Sanzu you're being rude to Takemichy. You might make him cry again." Ran said with a teasing smile. 

The others nodded in agreement.

"I- HUUUUHHHHH?!!!! Why are you all siding to that shi-Takemichy?!!! He's just a doll!!"

A pot now came flying to his face. Hitting his face once again. Making the others burst to laugh once again.

 "FUCKKKK!! In the first place, we shouldn't have kept him after all he might be a demon and might murder us in our sleep!!! And besides, it hit me with a pan now a pot first!!"  Sanzu said as he pointed at the huge red mark on his face.

"Well, I think it was just helping Rin since you were about to curse at him. I guess little Take-chan already likes Rin<3" Ran said grinning.

"That thing HATES ME!!! I woke up in the middle of the night!! It scratched my back!!"  Sanzu said removing his shirt showing his bare skin to them.

"Sanzu.....I think you're dreaming." Mochi said.


"Sanzu there are no scratches or anything at your back. Only your old would from the other missions. If there really is a scratch then it should be fresh BUT there are none."Koko said looking up from his laptop.

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