Chapter 7: Our Bittersweet Ending...

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Welcome to the final chapter!!!!!

God I'm happy to be able to make this story that used to be just one tale I used to daydream while having online classes LMFAO

TYYYYY once again!!!<333

Let us start!!!


"Dead?" Mikey asked.

Bonten's executives looked at each other before answering in unison.

"...yes..." they all said.

"Takemitchy died when he was 17, 9 years ago..." Koko nervously said.

"We hid it from you when you lose your memories because you were really messed up when he died."Rindou continued.

Mikey could not believe it....nor could he accept it and process he ran unhesitating, as he tightly gripped the doll. He ran to his babu and drove, not minding that his executives were trying to catch him.

He had no destination in mind but drove anyway.

Allowing his tears to flow down his cheeks and be taken away by the wind.

He was so frustrated.

Just a few minutes ago...

He was happy so so happy to finally remember his best his lover.

His lover, who continuously supported him, who was always there for him and has loved him true and pure.

His lover who turns out dead...

And he can't remember how.

But he was sure....definitely sure that it was his fault.

He was a burden to his family, friends, and mostly to Takemitchy.

He knew that but....he still can't help being selfish.

He hoped, prayed, and wished his executives were wrong as he now drove at a familiar yet unfamiliar street.

He continued to hope...

 Hope Takemitchy would be waiting for his return, 

hoping for Takemitchy greeting him with his sapphire blue eyes with big tears flowing down his cheeks like waterfalls,

Hoping to prove the other's wrong and hopefully...HOPEFULLY, be able to kiss the blonde crybaby, then proceed to date him, and hopefully, get married to him then adopt kids to be their future children and to live with the blonde crybaby till their hair turns white and till the two of them lost their breath. 

Sorry, not sorry Hina-chan but I'll really make it happen, and totally won't regret stealing your boyfriend.

He has tons of plans in how the wedding would look like and who to invite, how they would spend their time together, and how they would make many no bountiful of beautiful memories together

'Takemitchy, there's no way he's dead....right? Maybe they said that to keep me away from him or maybe to make me continue the role as the villain in the story?' He thought about countless reasons why they would lie to him about his lover being dead as he continuously chanted in his head that his Takemitchy is not DEAD.

He decided to pull up on a nearby playground upon noticing he was out of gas.

Mikey is so frustrated and tired.

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