Chapter 6: One steps closer to the truth...

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Let's get started!!!<333 :DD


Kakucho sat sipping his coffee with the rest of the bonten's executives while Mikey was still sleeping with the doll 'Takemitchy'.

"What do you guys think know...Takemitchy's relationship with him." He asked.

Making the rest of them freeze up and stop whatever they were doing.

"Do you really believe? That, that thing is related to him?" Ran asked.

"Well it was already too obvious already, isn't it? That there is a connection with the two...." Koko said as the rest nodded in agreement

"What would happen if ever...Mikey remembers..." Rindou asked visibly showing how nervous and worried he was.

"That would mean either two things. Bonten gets disbanded or he'll go far more depressed and things will go worst. But it's highly likely that the answer is both." Omi answered.

"Unless that doll does a thing or two to help Mikey's mental issues and stuff." Mochi answered.

The rest of them nodded.

" you guys think this was for the best?" Koko asked.

"If it helps my king them why not.." Sanzu said. "But I still hate that thing!!"

"Well if you weren't so rude and mean to it. Maybe it shouldn't have hated you." Ran said chuckling.

"Fuck you." Was all Sanzu could spat making the brothers snicker at the pinkette.

Mikey soon came entering the dining area with the doll at hand. The rest of them greeted him then proceeds with eating their breakfast.

"Koko"  Mikey said.

"Yes." The silver-haired man answered.

"I need you to find someone that could fix Takemitchy. His cracks from yesterday won't disappear." Mikey said with a pout.

"That is odd...Is it finally turning normal or something?" Sanzu said with a scoff.

Earning a wack on the head from Takeomi. 

"Wtf was that for!!!" Sanzu said rubbing his head. 

Takeomi pointed at Mikey who's face darkened at what Sanzu said.

"...Don't worry boss I'll find someone who could fix Takemitchy." Koko reassured Mikey.

They continued their day with how it normally is for them.

At noon,  the man that would help them fix Takemitchy came.

But no matter what he did the doll's crack won't disappear. It kept reappearing no matter what they do. Which ended with him getting killed for disappointing Bonten's king. 

They called others to do the same but it still won't heal.

Mikey was completely terrified.

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