Chapter 4: More Unanswered Questions

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Hello long time no see my beloved readers!!!

TYSM for all the support and for patiently waiting!!! Forgive me for not updating for so long it's because I'm hella busy with projects and exams are coming up so forgive(p.s sry for being so irresponsible).

Welcome to another chapter hihi I hope ya'll continue to enjoy these stories of mine!!
Lot's of love~!!!<33

Let's get started!<3


Mikey was not able to sleep....

As if he could sleep peacefully but the events from last night was bothering him, not the part where a demon asked for his soul he couldn't care much about it, it was the part where he and the doll possibly have some connections in the past. Most likely the parts he could not remember.

Takemitchy, his nightmares, and his past memories that he could not recall are all related.

They fit like puzzle pieces but a few pieces are still lost hidden leaving some holes.

He eventually noticed that lately his dreams or nightmares seemed to become far more realistic, it proceeds to show events, places, and scenes that he's familiar with but can't seem to remember fully about it. His dreams would mostly take place in areas or places he has been in his teens with his friends and the familiar stranger whose face was but jumbles of colors and smoke well, it was a huge improvement actually! since before the doll ever came into his life, he barely remembers his dreams/nightmare, and could not hear what the said familiar stranger was saying but, of lately he can finally see some parts of the stranger especially his clothes which seemed to be the Toman uniform or just some ugly ass lame shirt which made him know more about the stranger. First, the stranger IS a boy who is part of his past gang and or is just a very close figure to him who knows about his gang activities and knows the members. Second, the said boy HAVE a very horrible fashion taste...

And sometimes, his dreams/nightmare would at times take place in an empty void, with the boy still there and would always converse with him, these dreams would always be the ones he would forget. Not fully but, can only remember that he would always confide to the boy about his daily life. It was weird...Like why the hell would he confide his life to a person in his dreams and would always feel so comfortable and warm about it...The boy would always talk to him but as soon as the boy's words reach his ears it would soon leave the other, he does hope to remember but there wasn't any progress as of lately...

He seemed to spend lots of time with the said boy but why? Why can't he remember? He seemed to be a really really important figure to him but why is it that he couldn't remember him? His colleague seems to know something but they would not budge when was irritating him but decided to not push further, why? he doesn't know too...

Mikey got tired of thinking too much and decided to go out and try recovering his memories by himself with Takemitchy. The only clue he has to know the boy in his dreams and recover the missing pieces of his memories is the doll.

Sitting down he stared at the sleeping doll beside him who's eyes quickly opened as soon as he blinked. He flinch a little when the doll's eyes opened and were now staring at him but shrugged.

"Neh neh~ Takemitchy....Let's go play outside!" Mikey shouted excitedly but not too loud to not wake the others.

Mikey grabbed the spirit box that they used last night as he turned it on to converse with the doll.

"...........*static sound**static sounds*........................................"

"Where shall we go, Takemitchy? I wanna go to a place we've gone before...Maybe I'll remember something!" Mikey said enthusiastically.

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