Chapter 1

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Kyrie's POV

"Yeah girl I got fired from Burger King cause I ate them fries out them folks bag" I said otp with my friend Sarah her white ass gets on my nerves. She lowkey racist but imma fw her.

"So did you see the link I sent you you. This woman seems desperate for a babysitter. 100 dollars a day and you get to stay in that nice ass house for a whole 6 weeks? Shit that's a good ass deal" she said smacking her gum on the other line

I hung up on her outta annoyance and just plane pettiness. Cause why tf not? I dialed the number and a woman quickly picked up. Damn mf didn't let it ring at all.

"Hello?" The woman said snapping me outta it

"Yes, I'm here about the babysitting Ad you posted in the newspaper and on Facebook?" I said praying she hasn't found anyone yet

"Oh yes, that's still available are you looking to apply?" She said as her voice lit up smiling over the line

"Yes" I said hearing her sigh in relief over the line

"Are you able to start today or tomorrow maybe? There will be food and stuff and I'll give you extra money for extra stuff as well and I'll cash app your money @ 12 AM on the dot" she said

"Yeah yeah I'll start today if you'd like" I said while thinking of all the stuff imma buy with this money and how many zips I could buy.

"That's perfect be here in like 34 minutes okay?" She asked

"Yes I will, also my name is-" the woman hung up before I could finish my sentence

"Oh well then imma see her ass whenever I get there" I said as I packed my bags full of clothes

I put on a jacket and some high waisted pants with some offbrand boots that look like they'd be UGG. I sat 60 dollars on my sisters dresser before grabbing my keys and leaving. I got in my car and drove to the address written on the newspaper. I pulled into a suburban neighborhood. I definitely did not belong here. I stopped at the gate as the gate opened up and I started back driving again. I pulled in front of the driveway of the address written. A small woman with greasy hair was in the driveway packing up bags and shoving them in her trunk. I got out my car and walked over to her.

"Umm..hey I'm Kyrie the-"

"Babysitter? OH GOOD Luc is gonna be excited to see a pretty girl like you." She said smiling as I smiled back even though I was pissed off cause the mf keeps cutting me off in my words.

She grabbed my hand leading me inside the house. It was huge some shit I couldn't afford. I looked around in amazement but soon was cut outta my thoughts whenever a small boy looked up at me.

"Hey!" He said waving. I guess this is who I'm babysitting then

The boy walked outside and got in the car. I looked in confusion. The woman stared at my face.

"LUCAS! Honey come downstairs mommy is leaving" she called upstairs

A tall dude came downstairs. He was decent looking. I looked down seeing he only had on a shirt and a diaper. I looked even more confused.

The woman pulled me aside. "This is Lucas. He's extremely delayed in a lot so please take it easy on him. He's a very good listener so just talk to him. If he gets lost you'll hear a buzz coming from the area of the house he's in. He has accidents at night so he has on a diaper rn. He can't change himself but he's only in diapers at night. He loves watching movies anything with nudity or sexual stuff. Please don't show him anything with violence. He has a habit of yk...playing with himself. It's good ig. It's just his hormones and puberty. If he does anything you don't approve of just tell him that and I'm sure he'll understand. " she said leaving out the door leaving me with her son

I looked at him once again.

"Hi Lucas" I said shooting him a smile and wave

"H-Hi" he said looking down

"You needa be changed?" I said almost chuckling

He nodded and just took off the diaper and just handed it to me. My mouth flew open as his man hood stood up and flopped out of his diaper. He covered himself going upstairs to I guess his room. I followed him but only to have the door slammed in my face. I scoffed at his rudeness. I sat in front of the door for a few minutes then knocked on the door. It opened revealing a fully clothed Lucas. He has good taste in clothes and shoes. I guess he's not as slow as he comes off to be.

"What u want?" He asked looking down at me

"Nothing I just wanted to see what you was doing." I said honestly nervous

He stepped aside and let me in closing the door behind me. Every step I took he looked down at my feet.

" Lucas...." I said thinking of something to say

"May I have privacy please?" He said sounding like he was told to say it like that.

I respectfully got up and left his room. I walked downstairs still looking around this house. It's nice asf tbh. I outta rob these mfs. I was snapped outta my thoughts hearing a groaning sound. I looked up the stairs hearing the moans get louder. They honestly sounded sexy asf. I immediately thought of what his mother said. Wow he does play with himself. I won't mind it though. Ik he doesn't get pussy. I go into the guest room laying down on the bed smelling the sheets. Wow! This bed is so fucking soft I said rolling around. A small knock came from the door.

"Come in Lucas!" I said

He came in quietly and took off his shoes sitting then neatly in the corner sitting on the bed.

"You know any cartoon tv channels?" I asked him hoping he knew at least some

"223 is Nick and 345 is Disney 567 is Nick toons and 976 is teen nick" he mumbled something else but I couldn't hear

I huffed "y'all got all this money and don't even have Disney + or Netflix nor Hulu wtf-" I groaned in annoyance

" no ask so I no tell" he said looking at me

I handed him the remote and he typed in the passwords to all the channels I wanted.

"Please use my Netflix...I have no money" he said

"I promise to not make another profile" I said reassuring him

I turned on a move looking through the mini fridge on the side of the bed. I grabbed some chips and drinks. I laid back relaxing watching the movie. He scooted up behind me wrapping his arms around me. I didn't think much of it. I was just throwing chips in my mouth. He began rubbing my shoulders gently.

"Umm Lucas?" I said in a questioning tone

"Hm?" His voice said in a raspy tone

"Nothing never mind I said" as he slowly wrapped his arms around me

"Does this feel better?" He said squeezing my waist making me blush

"Lucas!" I said chuckling as he found my tickle spot

He got up leaving and I couldn't help but to chuckle. He was tryna flirt with me lol. I texted my bf the address I was @ and decided to invite him over to stay the night. He said he'd be here in a few hours so I decided to take a nap.

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