Chapter 8

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"I don't know why I do what I do, or did what I did but I do know is that I love each of all no matter what, I'm trying to take my medication and I'm really trying to get better but you won't even give me the chance to even prove myself to you" he said reading everything off me

He looked down at his fingers and balled the into a fist quickly releasing them. He did it over and over 5 more times. He kissed my lips and drug me upstairs. He laid me down and gave me a coloring book. I slightly smiled seeing the coloring book. It's the one I gave him when I was just his babysitter. I flipped through some pages seeing a few note cards they had to be written by Lucas cause it's all chicken scratch and that's how he writes.


I looked at the notes seeing they were to do lists. Card 1 "Get a girlfriend" Card 2 "Lose my virginity" Card 3 "have a family" Card 4 "learn to be normal" there was more but they weren't interesting

I love and hate him all at once...i get up going to pack a bag slowly planning to leave him soon..this isn't the life i want me kids to have..

"POLICE OPEN UP!!!" the front door banged

I stopped in my tracks fearing for my life. Lucas comes in the room with the kids and a gun. That continued banging at the door and beating it. My heart starts pounding knowing what is about to go down. I tried reaching for the gun and he pointed it at me with tears in his face. He's not thinking clearly at all. He pointed it at the kids making them hug one another.

"Lucas please think about this...they're babies..." i cried out

i walked over to him making him point it at himself. The police busted inside with the swat team dragging us to safety. They struggled and fought with Lucas and dragged him out the house. They took me and my kids to the station for questioning.

"Are you okay?" the lady officer said handing my daughter a sandwich and a bag of chips

she didn't answer just stared out the window watching the other officers drag Lucas away. He fought and fought making them tase him. It was like he couldn't feel the pain from it at all. He was unfazed and continued to fight. They all tackled him to the ground. LJ just looked in his hands.

"...i'm sorry momma...i-I called them..." he said crying

"it's okay baby you did the right thing. you freed us..." i said hugging him

"Imma miss my dada..." She frowned

"whats gonna happen to him?" Lj asked

"hes going to jail..." i answered kissing his head

"i dont want my daddy to go there" my daughter whined

We pull into the station and they split us up for questioning, the investigaters asked so many questions and even made me give the dna. They said Lucas was not gonna answer questions and with the way he is acting they know all they need to know. I was cut out of my thought hearing my daughter scream.

"I WANT MY DADDY!!!!!" making me run out the room seeing him being dragged away and fighting the officers to get to my baby. He continued to fight against them and they tried to keep her away from him.

"I WANT MY DAUGHTER NOW, SHE WANTS ME!!! I AINT DO SHIT WRONG!!!" he screamed at them fighting

"she does not know what you did was wrong you gave her stockholm syndrome" the officer spoke pissing him off more

I grabbed her up a hugged her tight.

"oh baby its gonna be fine" i spoke to her gently rocking her

"BABY TELL THEM I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO HURT YALL, YOU KNOW THAT" he yelled at me making me walk away 

I still cannot believe im free from him.......

2 months later

I finally found my family after years of being gone. My mother cried seeing that i was carrying a baby and had 2 already. She was shocked and the rest of the family was just happy to see me. They pressured me about taking their father to court and suing him for all the damages he caused. I just don't know why I can't do it. Maybe it's the fact i have to face him again. OR the fact i lowkey still love him but i'm stable enough to know that what he did to us is wrong. Either way i just can't face him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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