Chapter 2

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Kyrie POV

I woke up hearing crashes and stuff being thrown. I heard Lucas scream "GET TF OUT MY HOUSE!!!!" He said sounding demonic

I ran fast to where the noises are coming from. I walked into the kitchen seeing Lucas and my boyfriend Danny both straight up fist fighting. Lord ig this is my y/n moment.

"LUCAS STOP-" I said quickly being cut off by a hard ass slap in the face. My vision went blurry and I stumbled back.

"Baby!" Danny said coming to me.

"I thought you were him I'm sorry I didn't see you-" he got cut off by Lucas dead ass punching him in the face and throwing him across the table.

"DONT TOUCH HER!" Lucas screamed loudly

I grabbed his hands attempting to calm him down. It took at lot of eventually he calmed down himself. He picked me up carrying me into his room. He sat me on the bed laying me down covering my body. He went downstairs and came back with an ice pack. He put it against my cheek softly.

"That man isn't an intruder- it's my boyfriend Lucas." Lucas stared at me blankly

"Boy friend?" He said in a questioning tone

"Yeah that's MY boy friend. We love each other so much. Me and him" I said hoping he'd understand

"Why are you talking like that?" Lucas asked in a normal voiced tone

"So you could understand me better" I said

"I don't like people who I don't know in my house. No more guest in my house." He said sternly

"Oh- ok" I said with a sigh

"Why u make sad face with noise?" He asked

"Well for one I just got punched in the face and now I can't have anyone over" I said in a sad tone

He patted my head like I was some house pet. I smelled food taking in a deep breath.

"Lucas are you cooking something?" I asked

He didn't respond just stared at me. I could see his pupils get larger than smaller.

"What's a girl friend?" He asked in a curious tone

"The exact same thing like a boyfriend" I said looked at him

"How do I get a girl friend?" He asked

"Umm.." I said thinking of something to say. He may be slow but I'm sure he can pull plenty of bitches.

"How you get a girlfriend is by becoming friends with a girl and whenever y'all become even more close friends then y'all become together" I said not really being clear but clear enough for me to understand

"So we are boyfriend and girlfriend?" He asked me looking me in the face

"No- Lucas I am your babysitter" I said making him frown going downstairs

I heard shuffling then I heard Danny say "MOVE RETARD!" I thought this mf left

"DONT SAY THAT WORD!" Lucas yelled loudly

I rushed downstairs only to run into someone's chest. I looked up being met with a tear faced Lucas.

"W-why your boyfriend being mean t-to m-me" he whined.

I grit my teeth in anger. I hugged Lucas tight then let him go to go beat the breath outta Danny bitch ass.

"Danny?" I said in a calm voice

"Hey baby I'm sorry about what happened earlier- gco" I punched tf outta him mid sentence setting him back a bit

"NOW GTFO HIS HOUSE!" I yelled at him making him leave

I shut the door behind him locking it. I turned around to to faced with Lucas' red tear covered face.

"Why does everyone call me that bad word?" He asked

"Because they're stupid and punk ass little bitches" I said rubbing his temple

He grabbed my hand and took me to the refrigerator and pointed to a list. It was a list of his daily schedule. It said


-please wake Lucas up to a nice warm breakfast and change his diaper as well

-every hour give him his pills to control his hormones so he doesn't (yk..) as much

-make sure to at least watch one movie with him weekly so he doesn't get lonely

-please act like a friend or even be his friend pls. He's gonna get lonely with us away for awhile

-make sure to give him affection please. And if you're comfortable you can even sleep in his room with him. I just don't want him to be lonely.

End of list

I looked back at him seeing him stare at me. It sorta made me uncomfortable.

"Y-yes? Lucas?" I said getting choked up as he was basically standing over me

He grabbed my shoulders making me flinch. I thought he was boutta hit me but he gently moved me out of his way so he could get to the stove. He pulled a pizza out the oven and began cutting it. He ate a slice and pointed to the paper plates above me indicating for me to fix myself something to eat.

"Lucas where is your medicine?" I asked him

He stopped chewing for a minute and stared at me. He took another bite of his pizza ignoring me.

"Lucas?" I asked in a gentle tone "where is your medicine so you can take it?" He did say a word

I huffed in annoyance and grabbed the house phone looking at the list to dial his moms number so she could tell me only to be stopped in my tracks. He grabbed the phone outta my hand and stared at me in pure anger.

"Lucas gimme the phone please?" I asked

He raised his hand throwing it across the room breaking it. I stared with my mouth open and in shock. I felt my face get hot and tears ran down my face. I felt my breath get short and I started panicking as he stood over me. His face went from angry to pouty. He grabbed my face and wiped my tears.

"Lucas..let me go p-please" I said on the verge of tears.

He let me go and I ran to the guest room closing the door behind me. If he could blow up like that who the hell knows what he can do to scares to the core. I was knocked outta my thoughts whenever I heard a light knock at the door.

"C-Come I-In..."

Lucas came in a stared at me. He walked over to me and gave me a hug. He kissed my forehead and left. I guess that was his apology but the situation still scared me.


How y'all feel about Lucas rn?

Y'all's thoughts on Kyrie and Lucas' relationship?

Danny bitch ass?

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