Chapter 4

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Kyrie POV

"Fuuuckk Lucas it's 6 in the morning!" I moaned as he ate me out my sleep

"Mmhmm" he said as he rose his head up to look at his alarm clock then went back to eating me out

"S-Stop- pls-" I begged him cause I was honestly about to cum

He stopped and moved away from me. At least he knows what stop means. Most dudes keep going. He leaned over me kissing me on my lips.

"Girlfriend?" He said looking me in my eyes

"Umm- no Lucas I'm sorry but I can't do that" I said feeling bad

"Be my girlfriend p-please.." he said clearly in a begging tone

"Lucas we haven't known each other that long enough to even have feelings for each other"

"I want you to be my mine" he said sternly

"Lucas, listen I can't-gco" he grabbed me by my neck not choking me but damn near was

He kissed me deeply and squeezed my throat forcing his tongue down my throat. We was cut of by a knock at the door making me get up and rush to the door in my robe.

"Yes?" I said as I opened the door

A group of boys was at the door. I just stared.

"Is Lucas here?" A tall dude with dreads asked looking down at me

"Ye-gco" Lucas put his hands around my waist and kissed my cheek in front of them.

"OH SHIT- how can Lucas slow ass get pussy and yo ugly ass can't " a small short dude with braids asked

I moved to the side letting them all in. I went to the guest room and sat in there while they all were going in the living room. I heard a knock at my door 30 minutes later.

"Come in" I said

Lucas came in with some flowers and a bottle of wine. He handed it to me while his nosey ass friends popped they head in the corner.

"OUUUUU LUCAS GOT HIMSELF A BOO THANG" this ugly ass nigga said in the corner causing them all to laugh

"Bro don't fall for it. She just wants your check money. She don't like your slow ass!" The tall dude with dreads said with an evil smirk on his face

"GET TF OUT MY HOUSE!" Lucas yelled balling his fist up

I quickly grabbed his arm tryna hold him back but he shoved me off making me fall back on the floor. He just kept punching him as blood spilled all over the floor. I just sat there and watched. Tbh the dude deserves it. Even if the police comes I can just vouch for him saying he had an episode or something. He soon got up dusting himself off. He grabbed a water bottle off the desk near the door a drunk some putting his foot on the guys neck keeping him down. He handed the water bottle to me and got to work on the dude. His friends just sat there in shock.


I answered the phone seeing it was Lucas' mother.

"Hello?" I said hearing shuffling in the background

"Hey, how's Lucas? He hasn't been any trouble has he?" She asked

"No, he's been good" I replied

"May I talk to him?" She asked

I handed the phone to him.

"Hi mommy" he said as a smile appeared on his face

I heard her babbling on the other line.

"Yeah she's really nice. I love her." He said causing his mom to go silent

"Y-You..Love her?" She asked again

"Yes, and she's my girlfriend now. I love her I really do mommy. She's so nice to me." He said smiling

"Hand the phone over to her" she said making my heart drop.

I hope she doesn't have a problem with this.

"Hello?" I said as he handed the phone to me.

"Lucas brought it to me that y'all are in a that true? Or is he just lying again?" She asked making Lucas stare at me

"Yes, it's true.." I replied making the other line go silent

"Well okay, I hope you're not just using him. It would hurt me dearly if you are. I sure wouldn't appreciate it if you're just taking advantage of him..." she said in a stern voice

"I'm not. I definitely wouldn't do that to him. He's the sweetest and he's very handsome. He bought me flowers and everything. I wouldn't trade him for the world" I said actually feeling that way about him

"Well..okay imma leave you two love birds to it then. I'll call y'all tomorrow. Bye and tell Lucas I love him" she said hanging up

As soon as I sat the phone down he put both of his hands around my waist kissing down my neck. He turned me around making me face him. He smirked grabbing my hand taking me upstairs to him room. I think yk what happened.😁

A/N how y'all feel about this chapter?

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