A California Girl in Nottingham's Court Chapter Three Part Two

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Chapter Three~Part Two

Our party was headed for the castle. As we entered the courtyard, I was pulled down into the dirt. Someone clubbed me on the head and the lights went out! 

As consciousness returned, I felt a huge lump on the side of my head, and it hurt. I looked around and saw that I was in a jail; more likely a dungeon. Being seated on a stone bench, I waited for I didn't know what. It wasn't much of a wait.

A guard yelled, "Stay back! The sheriff wants to see you!"

I stayed where I was as the guard opened the door of the cell.

A beautiful woman, wearing a black armored gown with black-brown hair was drawn up on her head and beautiful blue eyes, much like Guy's, approached me. This must be Isabella. We found ourselves face to face, for she was no taller that I.

With a look that could kill, she said with teeth clenched, "I see my mother's little stray has returned!"

"Isabella" I replied kindly.

"It's Lady Sheriff to you!" she retorted. I thought she desperately needed some anger management classes.

"So, Aylaina, you are with that disgusting band of outlaws...and my brother!" With this last remark, she nearly popped a blood vessel. I remained silent. I've had worse drill instructors.

"SPEAK!" she yelled in my face.

Softly, I said, "You already know that much. What else can I tell you?"

"Tell me how to find them," she said more calmly, "and I will be lenient with you. I may even release you." 

Laughing out loud, I replied, "I'm not going to tell you that and you know it. So what is your next move?"

She backhanded me across the face. Okay, that hurt...a lot! She had a huge ring on her finger, and my cheek was bleeding, but I remained standing.

"I do not need you to tell me, because now that you are my prisoner, Robin and Guy will come to your rescue. Then I will have my revenge." She laughingly screeched.

'Now you've gone and done it, Aylaina,' I thought to myself. You're going to change history alright. Robin and Guy, and who knows who else will be killed trying to rescue me and maybe I'll be killed in the process.' Groaning inwardly, I hid my feelings with a poker face.  Isabella was very unforgiving, so I tried to speak to her better angels.

"Isabella, how can you do this? Were we not friends at one time? Did I not treat you as my own sweet sister? Be of mind the times we spent playing princesses with the little dolls I made for you." Guy had reminded me of this the night before, so I used it for all it was worth.

Her face seemed to soften a bit.   I continued.

"Your mother was so kind to me as if she were my own, and I loved her too. You said she could be my mother if I were to marry Guy." The softness in her face was hardening again at the mention of Guy.

"Guy sold me to a brute!" She cried, striding around the cell. "He did not care either. I asked him to apologize, but he said it was the best thing for me! Huh, it was the best thing for him!"

"Come now, Isabella, you know how proud Guy is. It is hard for him to admit he was wrong. You must know he would not have done it if he knew what kind of man Thornton was. My own father gave me to a man I did not know. I was heartbroken to leave and marry a stranger."

"Was he cruel to you?" she asked, her voice thick. I really didn't know. I just assumed he wasn't.

"No."I said. "But it was merely luck. He very well could have been."

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