Chapter 25: Exile: Taming Ranboo

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Multiple POVs
Ranboo's POV

(Trigger Warning ⚠: Implications of manipulation, mind control, talks of sexual assault, a lot of sexual allegations)

You have been warned :/ Enjoy!

I scratch my head letting out a heavy sigh. I spin my office chair around and look up to find a man with a smile mask and a green hoodie. "What in the devil?!" I said flinching a bit, I then let out a sigh again. "You startled me Dream, how long were you there for?" I asked standing up, catching my breathe. "A while," he replied.

"Do you need anything?" I asked fixing my tie. "Well yeah, I think we should get to know each other," he replied. "In what way do you mean?" I asked. He put a hand out to me, "Care to dance?" He asked. I took his hand and he pulled me closer to him, placing a hand on my waist. I put a hand on his shoulder and take his available hand into mine. It was nearing night time so I don't really know why he wants to dance at this hour but I don't mind.

He leads the dance and I notice footprints on the ground as we danced. Oh so that's what he's doing... I bring out my demon features. My long tail, my wings and my eyes disappear but the whites of it turn green and red. We continued to dance for a bit, then he spun me around and brought me back to him. What kind of contract are you making? We dance for a little while but 20 seconds before midnight he spun me around again and then pulled me in for a kiss. I was surprised at first but I let it happen.

The circle that was formed around us turned multiple arrays of colours. What the hell?.. I then felt a collar appear around my neck. In full honesty I thought it was over until I saw the circle turn into different shades of green. I then notice myself giving into him, my demon features started to turn green. I had no strength to fight against him so I just let it all happen. My black and white wings turned green along with my tail and my red eye.

The circle then disappeared and he departed his lips from mine. I fell to my knees in exhaustion, he isn't a normal human. I was panting trying to catch my breathe when I felt a finger on my chin. He pulled me up to meet his eyes, they were glowing green. How did I not notice before?... "You are..." He put his finger on my lips interrupting me. "Shh," he said. I nod my head slightly obeying him.

"Tell me your sins and you shall be free. Give your entire body to me," he chanted. He kept enchanting words and I watched as a circle appeared around me. I then felt something infiltrated my mind. I grunt and let out a wince, that's all I could do. It felt like forever since he started and he doesn't plan on finishing anytime soon. "Make it stop please," I begged in pain. "Tell me your sins and you shall be free," he said.

I don't remember sinning... Wait does he mean that? But I don't remember everything that happened... "I don't remember everything..." I replied. "Then who will?" He asked. "H-He does, " I replied. "Who is he?" Dream asked. "The man that lives in my mind!" I replied. "What did he do?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "I only remember vividly, I remember Lust being there. Me begging her to forgive me but I don't know what I've done until it was too late," I replied quickly.

"Explain more," he demanded. "I remember being in bed with her, we were both naked. When I analysed the situation I realized what I had done," I replied. "How many times did this happen?" He asked. "I only remember 4 times, each time I begged her to forgive me and she did," I said with teary eyes, "I didn't want to do that to her, I didn't mean it. It wasn't me, I wasn't in the right state of mind. " I was about to break down again, I wanted to cry but if I did it would hurt.

"Why did this happen?" He asked. "I remember one of the days, Theseus' mother walked up to me and talked to me about starting the next generation. In full honesty I was against it, my only job is to take care of Theseus. For a whole week she asked and talked about it and when I kept denying she punished me for it," I said choking on words. "What was the punishment?" He asked. "She took me to a room and..." My voice broke and I put my head down, so much it touched the ground.

Dream's POV

I listened to Ranboo's explanation and I honestly thought the worst. What could she have done? Tortured him, manipulated his mind, controlled him? "What did she do?" I asked hesitantly. "She... tortured me.. sexually and physically..." He replied in a broken voice which seemed out of breath and tired. My breathe hitched, I thought wrong of Ranboo. I thought he did everything on purpose instead it was all an accident...

"I don't even remember how long it was, all I know is, it was until she broke me," he said choking on words, "She then took over my mind and created him." I must know, "Who is him?" I asked. "The voice in my head, the one that tells me to do all these unspeakable things. If I didn't listen he'd take over and do it himself. All I could do is watch from my mind space..." He cried. I undid the circle and went on my knees, I hugged Ranboo as he cried even more.

I saw steam coming from one of his eyes, as I took a closer look I saw blood dripping down as well. He clung onto me, "I didn't want to... I didn't want to at all..." He said choking on words, "Why did she forgive me?... I don't deserve it.." "You do, but he doesn't," I replied. Ranboo paused and looked up at me, "Bring him out," I said. Ranboo got nervous, "I-I-I can't," he stuttered. "You can and you will. I will free you from what burdens you," I replied.

He looked at me in awe, he then slowly nodded, closing his eyes. I saw his features change, the side that's black turns white and the side that's white turns black. He then opens his eyes and the whites are purple. He looked around then smiled, he then sat up a bit. I quickly got up and formed the same circle from before around him. He grunted in pain, "What the hell...?" He said in a monotone voice. He then looked up at me and recognized me.

His eyes widened and he had a worried expression on his face. "Why do you have such a sour face?" I growled. "W-Whatever do you mean?" He asked nervously. "I'll get straight to the point, what did you do to her?" I asked. "Who is her?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Lust," I replied. "Oh her," he said looking away with a glum face. I raised an eyebrow, "Tell me what you did," I said. "Look I didn't want to do it okay," he said. "Then why did you do it?" I growled.

"She forced me to!" He yelled. "Who?" I asked. "The lady that created me..." He replied, "I didn't know what I did was wrong until years later..." I let out a hum, "What do you mean by that?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "She told me what to do and I followed. I didn't know anything else, I treated her like a goddess and I was wrong. I tried to apologize to Lust but Ranboo wouldn't let me..." He replied. "Ranboo told me you tried to command him to do multiple things is it true?" I asked.

"Y-Yes... I was only repeating what she told me to say," he replied lowering his head. I let out a hum, I examine his soul and it was a bit impure but he was telling the truth. But I wonder what that last impurity is? "Did you do anything else?" I asked. His breathe hitched, "I-" he said cutting himself off. Bingo, so he did do something else. "What did she tell you to do this time?" I asked.

"She said since all the attempts with Lust didn't work... To do it with..." He cut himself off. His voice was breaking, "Who was it with?" I asked thinking the worst. "Theseus..." He replied. My breathe hitched, "What do you mean by that?!" I asked eagerly. "She told me he was intersex... Meaning he can..." He said cutting himself off. He can give birth...

What the fuck is wrong with demon Imperial Families....

(Am I a corrupted person for writing people getting sexually assaulted and shit? Cause it happens to people whether we want to think of it or not.... I know I'm kinda over doing it but it happens... It will only have two more chapters like these two rest are just cases of abuse and neglect so, I'll save you all)

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