Chapter 30: Exile: Taming the Sins: Pride

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Multiple POVs
Tommy's POV

Trigger warning: Sensitive topics: sexual accusations/touching and rape

I woke up with the want to destroy and kill shit. Not a first time but this time I can't control the urge to just blow things up. I jump down from off of Phil, Techno and Ghostbur. They shouldn't be awake right? I then transform back into a hum and went to the front door. "What are you doing Theseus?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I look back and it's Dream, rubbing his eyes, slowly getting up. "I wanna go out for some fresh air," I replied, it was a lie but it's good for now.

He let out a hum, "I'll join you," he said clearing his throat from his morning voice. I let out a hum of dissatisfaction, I wanna go by myself. I whined in my head while keeping a straight face. Dream walked over to me and I open the front door. Both of us walk out and Dream closed the door behind him. We walk off Techno's porch and walk on his lawn. It was just silence between us, I walk over to the gate that was at the end of the property and open it.

I walk through and alongside the edge of the forest. Dream then walked beside me, "Dream," I said. He let out a hum, "What happens if I wasn't a demon. Just a regular 17 year old war torn child who liked to pick fights over his ego and possessions?" I asked glancing over at him. He let out a hum, "Well things would've been. Way... Different," he replied. "Different how?" I asked. "Well if it were to go that route. You wouldn't be with Techno and them right now. You'll be exile, with me," he replied.

"What would that be like?" I asked. "Let's just say, I would break you in more ways than one," he replied. "Manipulation, torture? Make me love and rely on you? Next thing I knew you shatter my heart in a million pieces?" I asked. "I'm not sure about that last option," he said scratching the back of his head. "Hope not. I would've taken the yandere route in full honesty," I said. "Couldn't imagine it," he replied shaking his head.

I let out a hum, you'd be surprised what human me would do for love... We walked in silence for a little longer until he broke the ice, "It's just you and Lust right?" Dream asked. I shook my head in response and Dream let out a hum. "Are you going to tame her too or leave her?" He asked. "I'll leave her, I couldn't take Techno's mother away from him," I replied. "She gave birth to him?!" He asked in a high pitched tone. "Hell no! You'd think I'd let someone do that to us?!" I yelled back.

"Fair point..." He replied. We then turn left which will take us back to the house. "Ranboo told me what happened back then," Dream said. My eyes widened a bit before turning back to normal again. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. I shook my head, "I'm alright. I already buried the memories," I replied. Dream let out a hum in response, "I'm here if you need me. I'm not gonna pressure you," he said. I cracked a small smile and nodded my head in acknowledgement.

Should I tell him? I don't want the memories coming back to me again. I heard it's better to talk and deal with your problems... I then stop dead in my tracks as I watched my warm breathe hit the cold air. I then heard Dream stop, he looked back at me too. He raised an eyebrow, questioning why I stopped. I slow down the wagging of my tail to show signs of nervousness.

Dream's POV

I watched Theseus as he stopped in his tracks. Why did he stop? I then noticed his body patterns. His tail wagging slowed down and his gaze was averting mine. "You alright?" I asked walking over to him. He shook his head, "Wanna talk about it?" I asked stopping in front of him. He nodded his head in response, "Take your time," I responded with a smile. "How much do you know anyway?" He asked.

"I know the person that lives in Ranboo, did the same thing he did to Lust, to you," I replied. He let out a hum, "What did they do to you," I asked. "I suddenly woke up in a cellar, that had a bed in it. I tried to break free but it didn't work," he continued, "I then saw a familiar figure in the dark. I thought it was Ranboo but it wasn't, they were different. His eyes were purple, I tried to back away but he came closer," he said.

I saw his eyes widen in fear, he was afraid. I quickly hug him and wait for him to calm down a bit more. He let out a shaky breath, "They tried over and over again, until it finally worked," he said. My breathe hitched and I look down at him, "No I didn't have the baby. I ended falling ill, since there was something foreign in my body," he said. "You had a miscarriage?" I asked. "Mhm," he replied, "Soon enough, mother gave up on her dreams of a sucesser and just left us alone."

I let out a hum, "She fully freed Ranboo from his hypnosis since he didn't have use anymore," Theseus continued. I let out a sigh and run my hands through his hair. "It's okay to cry," I said. "Big men don't," he replied with a broken voice. He wanted to break down but his pride is getting in the way. "Crying doesn't make you less of a man, or demon. Crying is a thing we do to show that we are alive," I said hugging him tightly, "Pride, don't hold it in anymore..."

I then felt my hoodie get soaked with tears. Theseus' shaky breathe, is all I felt as he held onto me. I can tell he wanted to scream but he didn't allow himself too so he silently cried to himself. I rub circles around his back in comfort. He started falling to the ground but I held onto him. I then hear him let out one blood curdling scream. I've never heard a scream like that before...

I held onto him even tighter then I did before. As I heard him cry, we ended up falling down onto the cold snow. After a few minutes he started to calm down. He just let out little whimpers and cries. He curled up into a ball, leaning on me as he sat on my lap. "Shh, I got you," I said lifting him up bridal style. He held onto my hoodie as he wept. I kept my words of reassurance until I saw his demon features fully turn green.

Did I unintentionally tame him? I smile and saw as he closed his eyes and started following asleep.

Tommy's POV

I closed my eyes entering my mindspace as I saw Lust holding onto Pride as they cried. I walk over and hug them too, "What are you doing?" They asked with a choking voice. "You looked like you needed a hug..." I replied. I can tell they wanted it but their pride was too great. They choked it down and hugged me back, "You need one too..." They replied. I took them up on the offer and hugged them back. We stayed like this until Pride fully calmed down.

"You alright now?" I asked. "Yes I'm alright," they replied. I watched as they slowly started to fade away into golden particles. I was indirectly absorbing them. I watched as they fully disappeared, just leaving Lust and I. I then stand up a bit and lend my hand out to Lust. She takes it and stands up, I then pull her into a hug. She hugs me back and rests her head on my shoulder. "When was the last time I hugged you?" She asked. I chuckle, "It's felt like ages," I replied breaking our hug looking at her.

She keeps her hands on my chest while I have mine on her waist. "Still pretty as ever," I complimented. "Do I really even though some of my limps aren't together?" She asked. "Even if your limps aren't together," I replied with a smile. Her body isn't the way it used to be... Which is a shame, she is such a beauty. "Do you wish to meet Techno again?" I asked, gently grabbing some of her hair. "Is my baby alright?" She asked worringly. I chuckle, "He's quite alright, alive even," I replied.

She let out a sigh of relief, "I hope you can wait a bit longer," I said running my hands through her long hair. "Why must I wait?" She asked clinging to my clothes. "It is not safe for you or him tomorrow. He'll be hunted and captured, once I save him I'll bring him back to you. I promise," I said. "You better bring my baby back alive," she replied angerly. "Patience, patience," I said defusing the situation.

"You'll be together again just now..."

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