Ch. 19: Catch Me If I Fall

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"The public has spoken and the favorite to least Favorite Elite are, drumroll please." The sound of a drumroll fills the room on the speakers and we are all on the edge of our seats. "Isabella, Arabella, Annalise, and Annabell." I breathe a sigh of relief, thankful to not have gotten last.

Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to have been first, but second place will do for now. I send a smile and some wriggly eyebrows to Isabella. She smiles back and mouths "sorry" but I shake my head, happy for her. I also see Annabell holding back tears and a pout on Annalise's face.

"We will now hear from the girls about what it has been like being an Elite, and what they have coming up on this journey! Isabella, would you come on over?" She smiles brightly and puts on her game face, walking over to where Gavril is in the center of the stage.

"Good evening, Gavril. Are you doing well?" Her voice is as smooth as honey.

"I am, Lady Isabella. I am sure you are doing well tonight, too. How does it feel being the favorite Elite of the country?"

I try to keep a straight face as I see the jealousy plain as day on the other girls' faces, remembering what Sophia told us.

"It does not feel like it's real, honestly. I've just been having fun and being myself, hoping to win the prince's heart. It doesn't so much seem as a contest with the other girls anymore."

"That's a great thing to say. While I have you I would like to make the announcement about next week. On the next airing of The Report, Illea, the Elite will be presenting their projects to you all. Isabella, are you nervous?"

"I am. I can't say much about it, but I am excited to present, as well as nervous, and I know the other girls are, too."

"Of course. And how has it been with our darling Prince?"

"It has been going well," she says, acting bashful for the camera. I can't help but smile. Such an actress, that one.

"That's all you're going to give us?" Gavril asks, acting astounded.

"I'm afraid so, Gavril. The past weeks have been crazy! I can only imagine they have been for his Highness, as well. We have all had dates, but we have also all been working nonstop."

"That makes sense. It's hard work training to be a princess, eh?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, let's give a thank you to Isabella and a welcome to Arabella!" With this, Isabella and I switch places. She gives me a wink as I pass her and I put on an award-winning smile, Isabella style.

"Good evening, Gavril, and Illea, of course." I say enthusiastically, waving into the camera as I sit down.

"Good evening, Lady Arabella! I see you're in a good mood tonight, too. Could that be out of happiness with the vote or is it from all of the dates you've had this week?" Gavril wiggles his eyebrows in the camera and I let out a polite giggle.

I make sure to allow myself to blush and glance back at Carlisle before I answer.

"If you must know, Gavril, it's a combination of both."

"I thought so. And how do you feel about the vote tonight?"

"Honestly, I feel honored. All of the girls that were here on day one were beautiful. And all of the girls left today are just as beautiful. They are amazing, funny, kind, and loyal. They have made great friends. Like Isabella said, it really does not feel like a competition against them anymore. So, being one of the small group of the four of us, I am honored to be second. It could have turned out very different with a few small changes, I am sure."

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