Ch. 15: All Hallow's Eve

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I fidget in my spot, earning a disapproving glare from Sophia. All of the Selected girls are lined in a wide V shape in the lobby area in front of the staircases, waiting for our families to arrive. We have been standing here for about fifteen minutes, as our families have to all arrive at once. Sophia has been shushing us and fussing over us the entire time, to no avail.

Finally, the doors open, letting the first of the families inside. The first family through the doors is Annalise's, and she breaks line, running to them. They hug her and have to move over to allow the other families to enter. I watch as girls run to their families, laughing and smiling more than ever before. It is a good thing that the foyer of the palace is so big and open, or all of us would not be able to be in here. I watch as Amie leaves my side, basically skipping over to her family, and picks up her baby brother, who looks to be about seven, and spins him around. I smile at the scene, but lose focus as soon as my family steps through the doors.

"Mom, Dad, over here!" I say loudly, meeting them in the middle of the room. Scottlyn is the first to jump on me, Byron right behind her. My mom fusses for us to stand back up, as they have knocked me to the floor. I landed right on my ass, but I don't even care.

"I missed you guys so much," I say, helping them both to their feet. I release them and wrap my mom and dad in a hug. They hug me back, telling me how much they've missed me. 

"This place is absolutely beautiful," Mom says, looking around the grand lobby. The room is open and bright, with white walls and white marble floors. There are two enormous staircases that wrap around to the center of the room from the second floor. The stairs are also made of marble and the wooden railings are painted gold.

"This isn't even half of it, Mom. Just wait." I say, grabbing her hand and smiling. I know she will love the palace.

"I can't even imagine what it's been like to live here," Dad says, admiring the room as well. He stops his looking directly behind me, making me turn around.

"Oh, Your Highness," I say, curtsying low. My parents and siblings follow suit, curtsying, and bowing in his direction, except for Scottlyn, who has a confused but starstruck look on her face.

"Oh, Arabella, you know that is not necessary." Prince Carlisle says, putting a hand on my back. He reaches out to my dad for a handshake with the other. "Mr. Williamson, I am so glad I finally get to meet you." Lyle sounds all business right now, and I try to hide the weariness in my heart. Even after the letters and our talk when he got back from France, we are still in a small fight. Only, it feels anything but small as the other girls get all of his attention.

"I can say the same to you, Your Highness. I have heard nothing but good things from my daughter," he says, winking in my direction.

"Dad..." Prince Carlisle chuckles at my dad embarrassing me before excusing himself to address the families as a whole.

"We will catch up tonight, Mr. Williamson."

"I look forward to it."

After talking to a few of the other parents, Prince Carlisle walks up to the stairs and stands about five steps up so that he can see everyone.

"Excuse me, I would like to make an announcement." The room instantly goes quiet, as he has everyone's attention. 

"Selected, you will walk your families to their rooms that you were shown just this morning. At three this afternoon, the women of the families will have tea in the Women's Room with the Queen and Princess Diana, and the men of the families will meet Father, Prince Augustus, and I in a parlor for cigars. A butler or maid will show you where to go. The Ball begins at nine tonight. If anyone has any questions, all of the palace staff is aware of our schedules, and of course you may ask me anything. Thank you," He finishes, stepping back down the steps and walking over to Isabella and her family. I give her a glare before picking Sissy up and facing my parents.

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