Chapter 7: The Ball

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You fell onto your bed, ready to go to sleep and collapse into slumber. You didn't even care about the ball anymore. You wanted to lay on your bed, sleep, and wake up in ten years. You closed your eyes and were about to sleep when Genevive threw the dress box at you.

   " Get ready. We have a ball to attend and serve. "

   " Can I just sleep? "

   " Nope. Now get this expensive dress on I'll do your hair and make-up and we'll get this show on the road. "

You sighed and then sat up from your bed. You slipped off your maid's uniform and changed into the dress. The sleeves hung on your arms, and the dress touched the floor. The silver color was beautiful, and the shoes that came with the dress were even more gorgeous. When you were done, you turned towards Genevive. 

   " Wow, Y/n

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   " Wow, Y/n. You look stunning. "

   " Thanks, Genevive. Your dress looks gorgeous. "

Genevive's brown hair and blue eyes matched perfectly with her dress. Her dress was light blue, and it reached the floor in the back. The front of the dress reached her knees, and it was layered. She straps on her shoulders were three inches wide, and they sat on top of her shoulders. There were lighter blue accents along the bottom of the dress and on the straps.

Her make-up was light, and she was wearing light blue eyeshadow with shiny lip gloss. Her hair was in an updo bun with snowflakes lying in her hair. A white shaw was laid softly around her and rested on her back. She walked to you and turned you around. She pushed your shoulders and set you down on the bed.

She did your make-up, and it was as light as her own, and instead of blue eyeshadow, she put on sparkly silver eyeshadow. She had put wet knots in your hair earlier, and she was now taking them out. She dried your hair and combed it. When it was dry, your hair was curly and smelled of roses. She placed a silver ring of leaves on top of your head and stood you up.

   " Beautiful, now let's get going. "

   " Thanks again, Genevive. "

   " Don't mention it. You know I love doing other people's make-up and whatnot. "

Genevive grabbed a button and walked over to you. She pinned the button on one of your arm straps while placing hers on her dress. The button indicated that they were servants at the palace, and it would distinguish them from the nobles. The queen allowed the servants to have fun, but when they needed to work, they were required to work.

You two rushed into the ballroom together. When you entered the room, it was clean, and there were tables set up along one of the walls. The tables had a lot of food on them, and some looked expensive enough to stay from. The maids were dressed in beautiful dresses and were lined up along the walls with the butlers to their side. Genevive grabbed your hand and started running to the wall to join the rest of the maids.

You stood by Elina, and she was wearing a yellow and orange dress that matched her Auburn hair and green eyes. Her hair was in a side braid with flowers tucked between the braids. She smiled and waved at you, and you returned the gesture. Two butlers went to the main doors of the ballroom and opened them. Guests started flooding into the room and filling the clean space.

Most of the guests were women, and there were some men, but their numbers didn't compare to that of the women. The dresses that they wore were beautiful and expensive. A lot of the dresses were studded with jewels and gems. Their necks held big pieces of jewelry and huge diamond earrings. Each face of the women entering the ballroom was caked with make-up, and you could tell how much they applied and how much they messed up.

   ' Wow. Glad I'm not rich. . .Sort of. '

Once everyone had entered the ballroom, the doors shut, and the kin appeared over the railing at the top of the stairs. He was dressed in gold while his wife was dressed in red. The dress had a sweetheart neckline and showed off her cleavage a bit. Their daughter walked down the stairs and stood on the stairs halfway down to the dance floor and halfway to the balcony. Her face held a neutral look as she looked into the crowd.

   " Thank you all for coming! "

The king's voice vibrated off the walls and bounced back to him on the balcony. Everyone's attention was on him now.

   " Tonight as you know is my son's engagement party. Tonight he will find a bride to wed. They will be married and then my son will take the crown. Allow me to introduce my son. Prince Quinn Harding! "

The balcony doors opened and revealed Quinn. He walked out of the doorway and stood on the balcony. His pants were red as he wore a red suit jacket. There was a black buttoned shirt underneath the red suit jacket, and gold accents were dancing along with his coat and red pants. His shoes were black, and his hair was styled with a little gel. The crowd clapped seeing his figure, and Quinn raised his hands and smiled at the crowd.

   " Let the ball begin! "

Music started playing from the band, and people began to dance and talk. Quinn joined his mother while you grabbed your first serving tray and started to serve the guests.

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