Chapter 28: Mariella's Dilemma

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It was now the third week that the princesses had been at the palace. This week, Lorraine Chevalier would be taking up the prince's time. Unlike Larissa Bell, she was polite and understood that the prince was busy. She also understood that Quinn was not interested in her romantically. So, as he had done with Angeline Dupond during the second week, they negotiated trades and talked about alliances instead of marriage. Nevertheless, Angeline was excited for Quinn and responded positively.

   " I have my own love back home, so I am glad to be rejected by you. " Lorraine said to Quinn.

   " I'm glad. If you wouldn't mind I do need to out into town today. Would you be alright here? "

   " Certainly, I'll look at drawing up a trade route while you're gone and we can make a compromise and negotiate when you get back. "

   " Sounds, delightful. Thank you again. "

   " Don't mention it. Take your fiancee out while you're at it. "

Quinn smiled at the mention of his fiancee and nodded. He departed from the dining hall and started to look around for you. You were currently in the kitchen cleaning dishes when he found you. Luckily no one else was in the kitchen.

   " Excuse me, wife, may I have thy attention. "

   " Excuse me, sir. we are not married yet. "

Quinn chuckled and stepped into the room. He leaned on the counter beside the sink and smiled down at you.

   " I'm going into town today, would you like to accompany me? "

   " Wouldn't that seem suspicious? "

   " A little, but I'm going, to be honest I do not care. I plan on telling my father later, but for right now, I would like to go into town to buy a few things. I need more paper, and ink. "

   " I'm afraid I cannot. I have my day packed with work. I need to finish up here, and then help your sister with a few things. I also need to clean the ballroom. "

   " We're having a ball? "

   " Are we? I was just informed to clean the room. "

   " Usually, if they order someone to clean the room, then that means there is a special event coming up. Maybe father has decided to host the ball at the end of the princesses time here. He did say that after that I get a week to decide who my bride to be is, and maybe that will be announced by a ball to everyone. "

   " Well,  that certainly might be it. Have you heard from Jin? "

   " I haven't. Have you heard from Elina? "

   " We've sent letters to each other, but I haven't received any letters this week. "

   " She might be busy. "

   " Most likely. "

You dried your hands and set the towel on the counter. Then, you turned towards Quinn and gave him a peck on the lips.

   " I'm going to go help your sister. Then start on the ballroom. Have fun in town okay? "

   " Okay. Is there anything you need? "

   " Uhh, I would appreciate it if you got me more ink. I'm running out, by writing so many letters to Elina. "

   " I'll get you some. "

   " Thanks. I will see you later, Quinn. "

   " Bye, dear. "

You left the kitchen and made your way towards Mariella's room. You knocked on the door and heard her yell, 'come in.' You entered the room, and Mariella smiled at your presence. There was another person in the room, and he stood beside Mariella. He had blonde hair, and his eyes were a brown color.

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