Chapter 37: Going to Prosa

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   " Everyone news has come! News has come! "

You and Mariella turned towards the person who had run into the hideout, smiling with a letter in their hand. It was a young boy who stood at the top of the stairs, opening the letter.

   " It has been settled that between Madrathia's rebellion and the Prosan Empire, there has been a union made! From this time on, Prosa will be working with the Madrathia Rebellion to defeat their ruler! They will send supplies, food, and clothing, in exchange for people. The Prosan Empire requests that we send them our old, sick, and weary so that they may rest and heal at the medical office in their empire. The rebellion leader has announced that those departing to the Prosan Empire, gather their things, and during the night, will be escorted to the palace. Come to the the stairs tonight, before the lights turn out and you will be escourted. "

Everyone cheered and clapped their hands joyfully at the young man's words. You felt grateful that Nikoli and Elina decided to help. You and Mariella were so excited that you went to pack your things and ready yourselves to leave. You packed and prepared everything and walked Mariella to the stairs. She planned to wait there while you said goodbye to Jin. You were not sick, old, or weary but needed a break. You wanted to escape Madrathia and help Mariella get her pregnant self to the castle. You were not planning on leaving her to her own. 

   " Jin! "

You found Jin and ran towards him, calling his name. He turned towards you, and you engulfed him in a hug, which he returned.

   " I'm assuming you're leaving? "

   " Yes, I want to help Mariella get to Prosa, but I also want to see Elina. It has been so long since I have last seen her. "

   " I agree, plus you will be safer there, than here. I'm glad that I got to see you again, but be careful on your journey. "

   " I will. Don't die out there on the battle field. "

   " I've been in fights before. I got in a fight with one, three, five, seven, and nine. But the odds were against me. "

   " This is not the time for dad jokes. " You said, smiling even brighter towards the comedian. 

   " There's always time for jokes. Now go, and relax until it's time for everyone to leave. "

You squeezed Jin a little tighter before letting go and running back to Mariella. You waited with her until the leading lights went out, and only a few lanterns were left. You were ready to leave, and so was Mariella. You didn't want to leave Jin behind, but you had to watch out for Mariella, who was with child and didn't have her husband with her. You also needed a mental break from everything that had happened. The group of people had started moving forward, up the stairs, and through the tunnel. You were in the middle of the group of people leaving, and you couldn't see who was leading the group. You had to stop and wait a few minutes, a few times, and when you exited the secret door in the closed tavern, you saw why. There were carts that people would get in while coachmen would whip the horses, to ride off; an empty cart came behind that one. Finally, you made it out the door and sat in the cart while Mariella was brought up carefully onto the buggy. You felt the cart jerk forward when the coachman hit the horse with the reigns. Mariella leaned her head on your shoulder as the cart rode away from the tavern and out of the city gates. Everyone else started to fall asleep slowly, but you remained awake. You looked towards the stars, counting them at first until you began to search for constellations. 

   ' I hope everything will end well. And I hope Quinn is okay. '

You glanced down at your engagement ring and felt nostalgic thinking about when he asked you to marry him. You were not expecting him to ask for your hand in marriage that morning when you woke up, but he did. You smiled down at the ring as the cart traveled through the forest. The stars above you were the same stars a particular prisoner saw from his cell in Cell Hall. They sparkled in the navy-colored sky and provided some hope for him.

   " You, bastard. I'll give you what you deserve! "

The king entered the cell, raised his sword in his hand, and struck the prisoner, making them cough blood onto the cobblestone wall.

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