Chapter 42: Departure

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You walked towards the medical ward, where Genevive was waiting for you. You entered and saw her sitting on her bed with a purple shawl dropped around her shoulders. 

   " Ready? "

   " Ready. "

Genevive stood up, with her right hand clutching the shawl together at her chest, while in her left hand, there was a cane. After not walking for so long, Genevive struggled to walk, and she would need help getting places when she wanted to move around. You walked towards her, put your arm around her, and guided her into the moonlit hallway. You walked with her down the stairs, to the front door, and into the night air. Outside, the knights had gathered together and prepared to leave, with torches in their hands and back[acks on their backs. Elina was standing on the top of the steps with Nikoli and Sam standing in front of her, wearing armor. 

   " We will win this war, and I promise I will come back. " Nikoli said to Elina.

   " You better, I don't want to lose you or start looking for a replacement. "

Nikoli chuckled and held her face gently in his hands. He placed a kiss on her lips before pulling away.

   " You won't have to. I'll be back. "

Elina nodded and held on to her husband while you helped Genevive walk down the steps toward the troops. Genevive wanted to say goodbye to some of her friends that were leaving. Surprisingly, most staff wanted to help fight the war between Madrathia and the rebellion. Genevive walked into the crowd, leaving you behind, as she started to wish everyone good luck. 

   " My lady. "

You jumped slightly, surprised to hear Sam's voice from behind you. You turned around to face him, and he was standing behind you with his usual neutral face. 

   " You scared me Sam. "

   " I apologize. "

   " Don't fret over it. Are you prepared to leave? "

   " Yes, I want to say goodbye to you before we depart, so I came to find you after you escorted your friend down here. "

   " Oh. Well, good luck. I know you'll be fine, and you'll do great. You are a great swords man, Sam. "

   " Thank you. Please do not fret over your lover. I will get him, by any means necessary. "

   " I appreciate it. "

   " Everyone! Let's head out! " Nikoli shouted from his horse. 

Everyone raised their swords and cheered, except for Sam, and followed Nikoli. Sam looked towards you again, but you were looking away from him and the millions of people walking behind Nikoli's horse. Sam took your hand in his, catching your attention, and kissed your knuckles. Then, he let go of your hand and stood straight.

   " I will be departing. Please go inside and rest. It is getting chilly. "

Sam walked away and followed everyone away from the castle. You found Genevive and walked her back up the stairs to the castle. Together you stood beside Elina, who had tears in her eyes.

   " They'll be fine, Elina. "

   " I know, but. . .It's just hard. I know they will be okay, but watching Nikoli walk away, is hard. "

Genevive rubbed Elina's shoulders, and you guided them back inside the castle. Together you walked to the kitchen. Genevive recommended a late-night snack, and you agreed with her idea. Together, you started making something sweet to eat. Your focus was entirely on your best friends, hoping that you could cheer Elina up a little together. The night continued, and Elina smiled at the end of your little escapade. Together you and Genevie stayed in her room, keeping her company, while she laughed through the night and the morning. 

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