Chapter 44: Together Once Again

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You were shocked by the guard's words. You stood still as you took in the words he had said. Finally, Elina and Genevive stood up from the blanket and walked toward you. Elina grabbed one of your shoulders and looked at your stunned face. 

   " Elina-- "

   " You can go. But be careful. "

   " Thank you. "

You shook your head and grabbed the guard's forearms.

   " Take me there. "

   " R-Right. "

You let go of the guard, and he led you to his horse outside the palace. The guard mounted the house, and you sat beside him, putting your arms around his stomach so that you wouldn't fall off. 

   " Yah! "

The guard used the reigns and whipped the horse. The horse started to run away from the palace and towards the woods. You were excited to get there and see Quinn. You didn't want to wait any longer to see him. Your heart was beating rapidly as you saw the gates getting closer. The guard stopped his horse when he reached the edge of the woods, and you got off. 

   " We have a small base within the walls, we will go from there to the main base under the tavern. "

You nodded and followed the guard toward the edge of the woods. You looked up and saw the guards moving on top of the wall. You watched the guards change rotations and decided to run to the wall when they turned their back towards you. You walked along the border with the guard in front of you. You got distracted for a moment when someone popped out of a bush and approached you.

   " Bruno, I'm glad to see you made it back safe. Who is this? " The man asked.

   " This is Lady Y/n. "

   " Right! Let's get inside before the guards notice, we are down here. "

The man stood from the bushes and guided you to the wall when the guards had passed. He crawled a little further until he knocked against the wall three times. Finally, he pulled his hand away, and the wall started sliding open. He went inside quickly, leaving you and Bruno outside. You got closer to the doorway and saw that it was an opening into a small corridor. You slid inside with Bruno already in the hollow wall. There were people beside the rock wall that pushed it back in place. Inside the small corridor were half a million people. It was crowded, but everyone seemed to know each other as they walked by someone. There were plenty of weapons and a particular mark on their hands. Once you recognized when Jin entered the rebellion.

   " Lass, there ye are! "

You turned and saw Benjamin walking towards you. He was smiling, and he seemed to be happy.

   " Benjamin! It's good to see you! "

   " You as well, I'll take it from here Bruno. "

Bruno nodded and walked away from you and Benjamin. You walked beside Benjamin through the corridor, trying not to bump into people.

   " How are things going, Ben? "

   " They are good, lass. So far, our odds look good against the king. With Prosa's help, we might just win this war. "

   " What about Jin, and Sam? Are they doing alright? "

   " Yes, Sam is in perfect condition, but I can't say the same for Jin.  He had an accident during the first phase of the war. He got stabbed in the eye, and now, he only has one good eye. "

   " Oh. . .what exactly happened? "

   " He was fighting with one of the king's men, and they decided to play dirty. After pushing Jin away, they spun him around, and tripped him, while they stabbed his eye. He recovered quickly, enough to kill them, but he only has one eye now. "

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