Chapter 1

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Lexa, from her room in Polis, was observing the view of the city that the large windows offered her. It was sunset, the sky was a mixture of rose and gold. From the city came the sounds of the laughter of children, the clamor of crowds at the market and the noise of carriages that crossed the roads loaded with goods from who knows where. Everything in the air suggested quiet, peace and serenity. Yet Lexa could not project that peace in her soul. Serenity and quiet had never been her predominant emotions, at least until she met Clarke. The girl had been for her as a breath of fresh air after too much time spent in apnea. Clarke understood her as no one else could. Clarke understood her and esteemed her, trusted her and supported her decisions. She trusted her...and Lexa betrayed her. The thought made her shiver. She breathed deeply. She hated feeling guilty about what she had done. She did it for her people, she saved her people without even having to resort to war. She had saved civilians and warriors from a horrible fate, which for nearly a hundred years had infested the lives of the peoples of Earth. Thanks to a settlement, Lexa put an end to all this, brought the children back to their parents, the parents back to their children. In Polis she was worshipped and idolized by her people for what she had done. The Skaikru had not been seen favorably from the beginning, and the fact that the Commander had betrayed the alliance by saving her people and abandoning the Skaikru to their fate had contributed even more to raise the figure of the Commander before the eyes of her people. Lexa was a hero, the Commander who managed to do what no one before had done. So, why did she feel that way? Why every time she remembered the day she saved thousands of innocent people from Mount Weather, did those blue eyes that stared at her in disbelief, anguish and veiled with tears for what she had done come to her mind? She closed her eyes and breathed in again, while the memory made a deep sense of guilt rise in her. Why had she betrayed Clarke? She had always been on her side, she had trusted her. Lexa's mind involuntarily returned to that kiss. A shiver hit her back. She thought back to the adrenaline of that moment, how much she had dreamed of that moment, how much she had wanted and waited for it, and when she had finally found the courage to do it Clarke rejected her. At that moment something had started to grow in Lexa, something that she had tried with all her might to repress. Clarke's heart still belonged to that boy, Finn. It was right what she did, rejecting Lexa was the right choice, it was she who misunderstood the situation and acted too impulsively. And yet the day she betrayed Clarke, that something came up. It was probably what helped her in her decision to free her people and abandon the Skaikru prisoners and their leader. By the time Clarke realized what had happened and looked at her with those eyes, Lexa knew she had lost her. She knew that she had done the right thing for her people and yet there was no peace.
It was almost evening. Lexa walked away from the large windows and walked to her bedroom door. She found Indra outside the door waiting for her.
-"Heda, your generals are waiting for you."
Lexa greeted Indra with a nod and followed her along the corridors of the structure, down the mighty stone stairs to the meeting room. When she entered the gate, she was greeted by the formal greeting of all her generals, "Heya, Heda.", who lowered their heads as a sign of respect. Lexa nodded and took her place around the large round stone table around which all the generals and ambassadors of the 12 clans were gathered. As usual, the ambassadors had the task of reporting the latest fact and events concerning the territory of the Commander's dominion. The main topic of discussion that day was Wanheda. It was what the Grounders called Clarke Griffin after the fall of Mount Weather. A legend had spread that Clarke possessed the power of Wanheda, an enormous power that could only be absorbed by those who killed her. For some time the Commanders of the various clans were hunting Wanheda, and this had been a cause of controversy among the clans. It was the duty of the generals to establish an agreement regarding the capture of the girl, in order not to incur a war. It was agreed that Wanheda would be the property of the first Heda to capture her, and an attempt by a clan to take her from the clan that first captured her would result in a declaration of war by all the other clans. All Lexa could do was agree. Banning the capture of Clarke would again put in bad light her intentions, she could no longer risk benefiting the Skaikru at the expense of her people. The session ended after two hours, and Lexa was finally able to return to her rooms. She wiped her face with the dark makeup she wore on important occasions and looked at herself in the mirror. Now she was no longer Heda, the fearsome Commander of the 12 clans, menacing and unscrupulous. That was the image she had to give herself in front of her generals to be worthy of her office, because in the end they were almost all men, older and bigger than her, who in the end was just a girl of just over twenty years. Now it was Lexa again. Now she had stopped being the Commander interested in capturing and killing Wanheda to gain her power. Now the very idea that someone could hurt Clarke tormented her. She couldn't let anyone hurt her, she couldn't let anyone kill her. And the only way to avoid it was to catch her before anyone else did. Lexa was determined, the next day she would have organized an expedition to find Clarke, and once she found her, she would have thought about what to do. The thought of finding Clarke brought some relief to Lexa's soul. Stripped of her formal clothes she threw herself exhausted on the large bed, between the fur blankets. When she closed her eyes she already knew who she would have met in her dreams, as well as every night after what had happened at Mount Weather.
In front of her stood a figure. The sun shone so bright that Lexa could not see the boundaries precisely. She let her eyes get used to the light and finally caught a glimpse of blond hair.
- "Clarke?"
The figure turned to her. The blue eyes shone with joy, the girl smiled at her in a way that made Lexa's heart fill with warmth. Lexa also smiled, and moved toward her when the girl beckoned her to approach. The girl put her hands around Lexa's neck, and without ceasing to smile came closer to Lexa. Lexa's heart was pounding louder and louder. She was about to join their lips in a kiss when the look on the girl's face changed completely. She opened her eyes and her mouth bowed in a grimace of horror. She looked down: on her belly a spot of dark blood was spreading on the white robe. Lexa also looked down, and she saw with horror that she was holding a dagger covered in blood.
Lexa awoke with a sudden burst. Her breath was strained and her forehead was filled with drops of pearly sweat. Her heart was pounding. She got up quickly from the bed and shoveled one of the large windows that illuminated the room with a faint moonlight. She breathed deep into the night air, and let the icy winter breeze fill her lungs and caress her face. She had to find Clarke. What she had done had tormented her for months, she came to see her in the night and prevented her from sleeping peacefully. She had to find her at all costs.

Hi everybody! Here's the first chapter, let me know if you like it! :)

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