Chapter 7

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That night Clarke couldn't sleep. She felt terribly guilty. Because of her, Lexa was risking her life and the fate of the coalition between the clans, because of her, there would have probably been a war in which thousands of people would potentially lose their lives, and all she could do was remain locked in her room.
She kept turning around in bed until she decided to get up. Her room in Polis was really hot, she needed to breathe some fresh air. She went out on the balcony that overlooked the panorama of the Capital dipped into the darkness of the night. I
She breathed deeply to try to calm down. She felt she didn't have the reins of her life in her hand. Everything she did ended up ruining other peoples lives, and there was nothing she could do to make up for it. She thought for a moment to try to escape from Polis. If she did so, Lexa wouldn't have to take responsibility for her kidnapping, everyone would think she had escaped alone. Then it occurred to her that Lexa had left Polis just as she had fled Azgeda, and that anyone would understand she was involved. She sighed. There seemed to be no solution. All she could do was talk to Lexa, apologize to her, let her know she hated putting her in that position. On second thought, however, she felt really pathetic. She went back inside her room, lay down on the bed and finally fell asleep.
She awoke at the first light of dawn. The golden rays of the sun entered through the windows and illuminated her face. She got out of bed and thought of taking a bath, perhaps it would help her relax and drive away the thought that soon Azgeda would have probably declared war on them. She entered the bathroom, and she was surprised; the room was spacious and really nice. Candles of all shapes and sizes illuminated the emerald green mosaic walls, making them sparkle with their flickering golden light. In the center of the room there was a spacious stone bathtub. Clarke opened the faucet and waited for the tub to fill with boiling water. The steam enveloped the room. Clarke entered the tub and felt a thrill of pleasure running down her back. After days spent in chains, blindfolded, after sleeping in the forest for months, she was finally feeling a pleasant sensation. How long would it last, even this time? As far as she knew, she could have been dead by evening. She drove out of her mind the usual thoughts she had become accustomed to, and decided to enjoy that moment. She closed her eyes and breathed in the hot, steamy, fragrant air. She was about to fall asleep when she heard a knock on the bathroom door.
- "Clarke, it's me, Lexa."
She must have knocked on her bedroom door, too, and without receiving an answer, she went in anyway. Clarke thought.
-"I'm right here."
Lexa opened the door and stopped suddenly when she saw Clarke. She blinked amazed as her cheeks were colouring with an intense shade of pink.
-"Oh, I'm sorry...I'll be waiting out here."
She went out, closing the door behind her.
Clarke sighed and came out of the bathtub. She wrapped herself in a towel and went out of the room. Lexa was sitting on her bed. When she saw her, she stood up.
-"Clarke. I wanted to tell you I'm meeting with the generals in the conference room soon. I'll find out who stayed on our side and who didn't. I'll come to you as soon as I know something. Meanwhile, wait here. Your mother and your friends are coming to see you soon." Clarke felt a heartache. She had not seen her people for a long time. She couldn't wait to see her mother and her friends again, to see if they were alright. She came up to Lexa and took her hands in her own.
-"Thank you."
Lexa gave her an affectionate smile. However, her look was off. She was afraid. She tried to hide it, but it was obvious to Clarke. By that momento she had learned how to decipher Lexa. Under that often cold and stoic attitude, there was hidden a whirlwind of emotions and feelings that Clarke had learned to recognize in Lexa's piercing gaze. She looked into her eyes.
-"We can do this together. You're not alone in this. We'll be fine, I'm sure."
Clarke hugged her and cupped her face with her hands. They looked intensely at each other for a few moments, then Lexa stepped back.
- "We'll be fine, Clarke. I better go now."
She went away and left the room, locking the door behind her.
Clarke sighed and threw herself on the bed, fear was corroding her stomach.
In front of the closed door of the meeting room, Lexa felt her heart pounding tirelessly in her chest. She sighed and closed her eyes. Then she opened the door and stepped into the room. Her generals were there, including Nia, the queen of the Ice Nation. The generals, gathered around the large round stone table, had all their eyes on her. They formally greeted her, and Lexa took her place among them.
-"I thank you all for coming here today. I have gathered you because I have important news to give you. Wanheda is here, in Polis, under my protection. I was the one who freed her from the cells of Azgeda. I've decided that no one will be allowed to kidnap and kill her. Her power is so great, in the hands of a single general it would represent a danger that I do not intend to run into. I will not kill Wanheda myself, who as I have already said will remain in Polis under my protection. Of course, there will be no consequences for Wanheda's kidnapping by the Ice Nation, since when the incident occurred, the agreed terms were different. If no one has anything to say, I declare the session closed."
Lexa swallowed. The generals were silent. She was almost sure that she had averted the danger of a war, when Nia slammed her fists on the table.
-"There will be consequences, Lexa, oh, sure that there will be! You played with fire, Heda. Azgeda will not tolerate such a drowning. You wanted to save your flame, and I admire you for that, Lexa. She must please you particularly, unlike Costia, who you preferred to leave to die. Poor girl...while I was torturing her, she kept saying that you would save her. You made your choice, Lexa, and now you're gonna pay for it. Prepare your army, tomorrow morning Azgeda will march on Polis and it will take back what belongs to it."
She turned to the other generals.
-"And you people would better follow me. The Commander betrayed the covenants that she herself had established. She lied to you, and she won't hesitate to do it again."
The generals looked at her in silence, but no one moved.
-"Very well...prepare to die."
She hurried away from the room, slamming the door behind her. Lexa breathed quickly, her nostrils dilated and her eyes reduced to two fissures. The generals observed her, waiting for her to say something.
-"I will not let a war be fought in Polis. No one will die for it, it is a matter between me and her. I will face it. You will not have to mobilize your armies. The session is closed."
She turned his back on them and left the room.
Clarke didn't know how long it had been since Lexa had left. Concern grew and grew within her. She heard a knock on the door and rushed to open it. Indra was in front of her.
-"Clarke of the Sky People. Commander Lexa asked me to let you meet your people."
She stepped aside, and at the sight of those familiar faces Clarke felt as if her heart had lightened of a weight.
She ran to embrace her mother, who held her tightly to herself, bursting into tears.
-"Clarke! My God, you're fine! I knew you'd be okay. I missed you so much, Clarke."
- "I missed you too, Mom."
Clarke stepped aside from her mother to hug her friends.
-"Bellamy, Raven, Jasper, Monty...I'm so happy to see that you're all well! You don't know how much I missed you."
She smiled at Kane.
-"Chancellor Kane."
Kane smiled in turn.
-"Clarke, I'm glad to see you're okay."
-"Same goes for me."
Kane turned to the others.
-"Maybe we should give Clarke and her mother a moment. You'll have a chance to talk to her later."
Abby gave him a grateful smile as the others left the room, followed by Kane closing the door behind him.
Abby sat on the bed and nodded to Clarke to sit next to her.
-"I'm so happy to see you again, Clarke."
Clarke smiled at her.
- "You must thank Lexa, without her I would have died by now. She kept me safe."
Abby smiled. Something caused her not to tell her daughter that Lexa had saved her thanks to their intervention.
-"You seem pretty close, you and Lexa."
Clarke blushed loudly.
-"I admire her very much, Mother."
Abby chuckled.
-"Of course. Lexa admires you too, doesn't she? You can see it by how her eyes shine when she talks about you."
Clarke looked at her annoyed.
- "What are you getting at, Mom?"
Abby took her daughter's hands in hers.
- "I know you, Clarke. There's nothing wrong with you falling in love with her, she's a beautiful girl, you know you can tell me anything..."
Clarke suddenly got out of bed.
- "What are you saying, are you crazy? I'm not in love with her. She's just someone I admire, that's all."
Abby smiled and got up in turn.
- "All right, I'm sorry. Maybe I should leave you with your friends, Indra didn't give us much time."
She smiled at her daughter and left the room.
Bellamy, Raven, Jasper and Monty ran to hug her.
-"Clarke! We finally see you again, we thought we'd lost you when we heard they had taken you. Luckily you're okay."
Clarke was happy. She had missed her friends very much, she had realized it only when se had seen them. The door opened and Indra appeared on the threshold.
-"Skaikru, your time with Clarke is over. Clarke, the Commander is here, she wants to talk to you."
-"Let her in."
Clarke tried to avoid the mother who winked at her before leaving. Lexa entered the room and closed the door behind her. Clarke ran into her.
-"Lexa! How'd it go?"
Lexa's eyes were glassy.
-"It went wrong, Clarke. Nia declared war on us. Luckily, the other generals stayed on my side, but I told them there's no need to mobilize their armies. I will not let anyone die for my decisions. I will face Nia alone."
Clarke looked at her, her look frightened.
-"What do you mean?"
-"I will fight her in single combat. I know she will accept. She want to kill me, not my people."
Clarke opened her eyes wide.
-"Are you crazy? It's dangerous! I can't let you do it, you could die!"
Lexa looked into her eyes, her eyes were cold.
- "I considered this possibility when I decided to save you. I did it for you, and for myself, because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. But I certainly didn't do it for my people, and I can't let them pay for my choices. I have to do it, Clarke, I've already decided it. You're not gonna change my mind."
Clarke looked at her, her blue eyes veiled with tears.
- "No, Lexa, please..."
Lexa came up and put a finger on her lips. Clarke looked at her, without understanding, and Lexa kissed her. It was a desperate, passionate kiss.
Clarke separated from her and looked at her confused.
-"What are you doing?"
- "I want you so much, Clarke...I never let go, but tomorrow I might die, and if it happens I don't want to have any remorse."
She looked into Clarke's eyes, trying to see if she wanted it, too.
Clarke's cheeks were streaked with tears.
-"I'm not gonna let you die, Lexa. I can't do this without you."
Lexa le
-"I can't let you die, Lexa. I can't do this without you."
Lexa wiped her tears.
-"Don't cry. I'm here. Now kiss me."
She kissed her, and this time Clarke gave in completely to that kiss. She squeezed Lexa's body to hers, while her tongue made its way looking for Lexa's. She loosened the armor that Lexa wore on her shoulder along with the red cloak, without separating her lips from hers, while she put her hands under Clarke's shirt and caressed her warm skin. They moved to the bed and Clarke sat Lexa, who watched her with her large green eyes wide open, as if she did not believe that this was really happening. She had dreamed of that moment for a long time, on sleepless nights in her lonely room in Polis, and finally Clarke was there, beautiful, looking at her. Clarke took off her shirt and got on the bed with Lexa. She kissed her and helped Lexa take off the shirt in turn. Clarke felt Lexa's gaze fixed on her body, and this only increased the heat she felt inside her body. Lexa straddled Clarke's hips, then leaned over to kiss her lips, her neck, leaving a trail of boiling kisses lower and lower, up to her chest. She looked her in the eye before she took off her bra and kissed her breasts. Clarke brought her head back and closed her eyes as Lexa gave her shivers of pleasure all over her body.
Lexa kissed her lips again and looked up to her approval when she brought her hands to the zip of Clarke's jeans. Clarke kissed her, and Lexa took off her pants.
Clarke grew stiff when Lexa put a hand between her legs. She soon reached her peak and groaned the name of Lexa, shaken with shivers. She looked for Lexa's lips and kissed her before turning so that she was on top of her. She kissed her again before removing her pants and imitating Lexa's movements with her hands. Lexa's breath became more and more strained under her touch, until she also reached the apex, arched her back and repeated Clarke's name over and over again.
It was dawn. Lexa and Clarke lay naked in the bed, wrapped in the soft furs. Clarke stroked Lexa's warm skin, which lay giving Clarke her back. Although she could not see her face, Clarke knew she was awake.
-"Are you all right?"
Lexa turned to her and smiled.
-"I've never felt better."
Clarke moved her hand to Lexa's face and started playing with a lock of her hair.
-"Do you remember the first day we spent in the forest after you saved me? You told me I was your weakness. Does that mean that..."
Lexa stroked her face.
-"It means that I love you, Clarke."
Clarke swallowed, and Lexa got up and sat on the bed.
-"I have to go."
She got up, but Clarke grabbed her wrist.
- "Lexa, wait!"
Lexa turned around and Clarke kissed her lips.
-"Don't try to die."
Lexa smiled.
-"I'll do my best."
Clarke looked at her seriously.
-"No, you have to promise."
Lexa lingered a moment. She knew she couldn't seriously promise something like that, but she felt that Clarke needed to hear her say those three words, or she wouldn't give up.
-"I promise."
She got dressed up, she put on her shoulder armor and went out of the room, heading for the outside of the palace, where her army was deployed, waiting for the Commander.

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