Chapter 6

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Clarke woke up in the morning. Lexa's warm body lay asleep next to her in the room still lit by the soft light of the candles, which had almost consumed completely during the night. Next to her, Lexa seemed so quiet in her sleep. During the day, she had never seen her like that, her gaze was always restless, marked by the constant worries that she had to face in her life, concerns that derived from her complicated role as Commander and her responsibilities towards the people she was meant to protect. But at that moment, asleep, alone with her, on her rosy face was painted an expression of absolute peace that made her even more beautiful than usual. Clarke quietly rose from the couch and reached a shelf, on which the night before she had seen sheets of paper and pens. She drew a chair to the couch and began to draw Lexa's face. She was afraid she wouldn't get a chance to see her like that again, and she didn't want to risk forgetting that view. Shortly after, Lexa stretched herself on the couch and opened her eyes. Seeing Clarke already awake beside her, she quickly sat down.
- "Oh, you're awake. I must have slept too much."
Clarke smiled at her.
-"It's all right, we're safe."
She tried to hide the paper on which she had started drawing Lexa, but Lexa was faster.
-"What is it?"
Clarke hid the paper behind her.
-"Oh, that? It's nothing."
Lexa stopped her by taking her wrist.
- "Let me see."
Reluctant, Clarke handed her the sheet of paper.
-"It's just a sketch..."
Lexa looked at the image that portrayed her asleep. She blushed.
- "It's beautjful."
Clarke blushed in turn.
- "You are beautiful. You seemed so peaceful...I wanted to fix that image in my mind, so that I would never forget it."
Lexa observed the drawing again. Her face was only sketchy, but the well-drawn lines gave the idea very well.
-"Do you want to finish it?"
Clarke looked at her amazed.
-"Do you want me to draw you?"
Lexa smiled.
-"Why not."
She liked the idea ofClarke observing her, she liked to feel her gaze on her body. Clarke stood up and went to get another sheet of paper.
-"I can't finish that drawing now that you're awake, it wouldn't be spontaneous anymore. If you want I can make a new drawing, a different one."
She sat back while Lexa was watching her, curious.
-"How do you want me to stand?"
-"How would you like to be remembered?"
Lexa thought about it.
-"Like what I am, a warrior."
She got up off the couch and took the swords she had left on the table. She put on her red cloak and her shoulder-armor, then she turned around and drew her sword in a fighting pose. Clarke smiled.
-"Wow, that's very convincing."
She took the charcoal and started drawing.
The two of them spent a few hours like that, laughing and chatting, enjoying those moments of peace that they soon should have given up. Time passed, and Clarke began to feel hungry. By that momento it was more than a day that they didn't have touched any food, and the time to get back on the road had unfortunately arrived.
- "We should be looking for something to eat, or at this rate we'll starve to death."
Lexa's gaze darkened. Their little holiday outside of reality was coming to an end.
-"We should. And it would also be time to get back on the road. I am the Commander, I cannot stay away from the city too long."
Clarke sighed it out.
-"It would have been nice if we could stay here, away from war, death..."
Lexa smiled at her, her gaze was heartwarming.
- "It's gonna be okay, Clarke, I'll protect you. I swore nothing bad would happen to you while you're with me, and I intend to honor my oath."
Clarke approached her and leaned her forehead to Lexa's.
-"I wish we never had to leave this place."
Lexa took Clarke's hands in her own.
- "Maybe one day we will, maybe one day no one will expect anything from us."
The journey to Polis lasted half a day.
As they began to glimpse the city, the sun was setting. Clarke began to feel a deep sense of turmoil. How would the inhabitants of the Capital react when they saw her with Lexa, now that everyone believed she was dead? And what would Lexa do? Would she have hidden her, or would she have told everyone she was the one who saved her? Would they have stayed together or would they have separated? She needed to know.
-"What are we gonna do now?"
-"I'll make sure you're safe, Clarke. But there's nothing I can do to avoid this situation, and I can't lie to my people. I will tell everyone that I kidnapped you from Azgeda. I will speak to the people of Polis, explain to them why I did it. The generals will not betray me. But if they take sides with Nia, then there will be war."
Clarke swallowed. Their only hope was that Lexa's generals would remain loyal to their Commander. If they betrayed her, it would be the end.
-"Where are we staying now?"
You will stay with me in the palace of Polis. Don't worry, I will put my most trusted warriors to guard you. You will be safe."
By the time they reached Polis' gate it was night. Their luck was that they would not meet anyone on the streets, and the darkness of the night would help them reach the palace without attracting attention.
Once they reached the entrance to the palace, they found Indra guarding, as Lexa had ordered her before leaving. As soon as she saw her, Indra ran towards her.
-"Heda, you are back! When we saw that you had not returned last night, we had begun to fear the worst."
She turned to Clarke, her voice was much colder now.
-"Wanheda. Come in, quick, you're not safe here."
Lexa and Clarke crossed the enormous entrance door of the palace of Polis and followed Indra along the imposing stone stairs and the long corridors, up to the door of a room. Indra opened the door and beckoned Clarke to enter.
-"You will reside here, Clarke of the Sky People. A guard will always stay at your door. You cannot leave this room unless ordered by the Commander. Meals will be delivered directly to your room. I wish you good night."
She turned and went out on the doorstep. Once outside, she looked at Lexa, expecting her to go out in turn.
-"Idra, wait for me outside. I'll be there in a moment."
Indra gave her a grim look, but closed the door behind her. Lexa turned to Clarke and smiled.
-"Indra does not share what I have done. It is understandable. But she is a faithful warrior, she will protect you."
Clarke raised her eyebrows and observed her.
-"How come I can't leave this room except on your orders? Am I your prisoner?"
Lexa did not catch the mischief in Clarke's phrase, and looked at her, inscrutable.
-"I can't have you walking around the palace alone, Clarke. You wouldn't be safe. For now..."
She stopped when Clarke approached her, her face just a few millimeters from Lexa's.
-"And you're going to tie me up somewhere so that I can't escape, or..."
Lexa felt her heart beat accelerate moment by moment in her chest. She kissed Clarke, but it was a gentle kiss, not as Clarke would have expected; Lexa barely touched her lips.
- "Trust me, Clarke. Tomorrow will be the day when everything will be settled. I will speak to my people and know whether we will be at war or not, and how many will be our enemies. But nothing bad will ever happen to you, I swear on my life."
She looked into her eyes; Lexa's big, piercing green eyes were covered with a veil of tears.
Clarke smiled and hugged her, squeezing her tightly.
-"You've been telling me this for a thousand times, Lexa. Rather be sure that nothing bad will happen to you."
Lexa separated from the hug and smiled.
- "Good night, Clarke."
- "Good night, Lexa."

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