The three way tie

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Nine years ago...

A six-year-old girl sat on the couch watching her mother and stepfather arguing over minor things...again. The girl sighed as her large blue eyes stared at them.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!" Her stepfather shouted.


Ruby rubbed her arm subconsciously, where a bruise was forming. Slowly, Ruby stood up and moved her way to her room, but a hand grabbed her shoulder. Shaking, Ruby faced her drunk stepfather, "Where do you think you're going, runt?!"

Ruby's mother quickly pushed him away and grabbed Ruby, "Stay away from her!" And she promptly ran out the door, holding Ruby close. Her mother ran down the street as her stepfather screamed, "Get back here, you wretch!"

Ruby glanced over her mother's shoulder to see him shake his fist in anger. Ruby's mother continued to run until they disappeared around the corner. "Ruby," her mother set her on her feet, "Listen, your father, you have to find him. I want you to go to the Piston Cup and ask around." She hands Ruby a picture of a man wearing a dark blue jacket with his racing number. "Good luck Ruby, I love you." Ruby glanced at her mother one last time before running off.

Ruby turns her head behind her shoulder to see her stepfather grab her mother. Not wanting to watch, Ruby ran. "I will find you, Dad." 


Present time...

Lightning POV:

"Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed, I am Speed."

I sat by my car as I took a deep breath with my eyes closed.

"One winner, 42 losers. I eat losers for Breakfast," I hummed, "Breakfast. Wait, maybe I should have had Breakfast. A little break-y could be good for me." I shook my head, "No, no, no, stay focused. Speed. I'm faster than fast. Quicker than quick. I am Lightning!"


I open my eyes at the pounding of the door.

"Hey, Lightning! You ready?"

Hearing my truck driver's voice, I stepped away from my car with a grin, "Oh, yeah. Lightning's ready." I opened the trailer door and saw a crowd surround me, "Ka-chow!" I flashed my Rusteze jacket at the public as they snapped photos of me.

I made my way over to where the other drivers stood by their cars.

"Hey McQueen!"

I sighed deeply and set a fake smile on my face, "Hello, Chick." I turned around to see Chick Hicks stand behind me with a smile that made me want to puke.

"Hello, McQueen! How are you doing?" Chick Hicks smirked as he threw his arm around my shoulders. I tried not to look at him and took a deep breath, feeling the wrappings tighten slightly around my chest.

I glanced at him for a second, "I'm doing great. Thanks for asking." Sarcasm laced in my disguised voice. Chick pretended to look hurt, "Ouch McQueen. Can't you see that I'm trying to be friendly here?"

I shrugged his arm off my shoulder, "You're never nice." I crossed my arms at him.

Chick glared at me, "I know that you're hiding something McQueen," He whispered, "And I'm going to find out what it is." He turned away from me and to his car.

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