The Truth Is Revealed

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Ruby's POV:

As I led The King to the Dinoco team,  The King's wife dashed up to us, "Thanks, Lightnin'." She kissed the top of my head.

I smiled at her, "You're welcome." Before I could leave, The King wrapped his fingers around my arm. I faced him, "I will tell the truth, Weathers. I need to thank my father and team first." I gestured to the team as they stood by the Rusteze brothers.

"Way to go, King! You're still the man! You're The King! Yeah!" Dinoco fans began to circle us, "Go on Ruby." He pats my back before calling out to Tex.

I made my way to my team as they stood there, and I smiled. My eyes gazed at everyone as they smiled back at me.

"You made us proud, kid!" Dusty praised.

"Congrats on the loss, me bucko!" Mack patted me on the back. I turned to Dad and smiled at him. 

Doc wrapped his arms around me, and I rested my head on his chest, "You got a lotta stuff, kid." He whispered in my ear.

" He whispered in my ear

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"Thanks, Dad." I whispered.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment as Tex appeared and whispered something to Rusty and Dusty. But our moment didn't last long.


I jumped and glanced over my shoulder in time to see a fist connect to my cheek.


I collapsed to the ground and groaned.

Mater quickly stood over me and slowly helped me back to my feet. I reached up to touch my cheek and winced, "Ah!" Mater grabbed a bandage and rested it against my bruising cheek.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Dad's voice rang in my ears. I slowly gazed up to see Chick Hicks being held back by the Dinoco team and the Sheriff holding back Dad. 

As the cameras focused on us, Chick began shouting at everyone, "LET ME GO!" Then, finally, he screamed, "ARE YOU ALL FOOLS?! LIGHTNING MCQUEEN IS A FAKE! YOU HEAR ME!? A FAKE!"

The cameramen turned to me, "Is that true? What does he mean?"

Everyone went silent as Chick took deep breaths, glaring daggers at me. I paled and felt sweat trail down my back. I glanced over to see The King standing there in shock, and he quickly jogged up to us.

"TELL THEM YOU FRAUD!" Chick screamed.

"Leave him alone, Chick!" The King stood next to me.

"You knew, didn't you?!" Chick snarled as The King stood by my side.

Mater wrapped his arm over me protectively and glared back at Chick.

"What are you hiding McQueen?" Kori walked up calmly to me and questionably stared at me, waiting for an answer. I was shaking terribly, and I had to lean against Mater for support since my legs felt weak.

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