Radiator Springs

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As the Rusteze car sped down the road, sirens wailed behind the racecar after passing a giant billboard hiding a police car.

"Oh no." Lightning/Ruby groaned. "Oh! Maybe they can help me!"


"He's shooting at me! Why is he shooting at me!?" The racer cried out. The Sheriff in the car grunted, "I haven't driven this fast in years," His vehicle backfires again, "I'm gonna blow a gasket or somethin'."

"Serpentine! Serpentine, serpentine!" The racer moves the car left and right, hoping that the Sheriff understands what they are doing.

"What in the blue blazes? Crazy hot-rodder." The Sheriff's sirens wailed as he chased the red car.


By the gas station, three men hung around, drinking some beer, "I'm telling you, man, every third blink is slower." A man dressed in hippy clothes softly spoke as he watched the light on the post blink. A man in military uniform stood next to him, "The sixties weren't good to you, were they?" His rough voice asked.


The sound brought the two men's attention to the street, and they spotted the Sheriff chasing a red car. "What? That's not the Interstate!" Ruby cried. The Sheriff's car backfires again, scaring Ruby and causing her to swerve into bushes, "Ack! No, no, no! AHHHH!" Ruby swerved to avoid a massive sign and crashed into bottles next to a gas station.

"I'm not the only one seeing this, right?" The hippie asked as another man with purple hair joined the two men, "INCOMING! Whoa, man!" The hippie yells out as Ruby comes around the corner. Screaming, Ruby quickly swerved to avoid the three pedestrians.

Ruby's car crashed into fence wires, scratched cars, and knocked down a stack of tires. Ruby tried to get the car under control, but the cables suddenly tangled together on a statue of a man. The vehicle spat out smoke as Ruby tried to free it from the figure by pressing the gas pedal.


The statue disappeared once the car was free from it, and Ruby sighed in relief.


The statue lands in front of the car, scaring Ruby, "Ahhhh!" She screams and roughly turns the car around. Then, going at full speed, Ruby unknowingly drags the statue, destroying the road. The residents watch as the racecar speeds past them with wide eyes. After cutting a board in half, the figure flew into the radio cable. Ruby's car slows down as she tries pressing the gas hard.


The racecar couldn't take the strain anymore and flew back, tangling into the cables. Then, finally, the statue flew in the air. "Fly away, Stanley. Be free!" The residents watch the statue land back on the post upright. The Sheriff stepped out of the car, panting, and walked towards the hanging car. Hanging out of the front windshield was Ruby. She watched the Sheriff walk up to her with tired eyes.

"Boy, you're in a heap of trouble." He crossed his arms. The racer sighed and closed her eyes in exhaustion.


Lightning's POV:

"Oh, boy. Where am I?" I groaned as I opened my eyes. Sitting up, I turned my head to see a young man, possibly in his early twenties, wearing a brown hat and overalls with a tow cable attached to the belt, standing on the other side of the cell, "Mornin', sleepen' beauty!" He called out.

 Sitting up, I turned my head to see a young man, possibly in his early twenties, wearing a brown hat and overalls with a tow cable attached to the belt, standing on the other side of the cell, "Mornin', sleepen' beauty!" He called out

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