Chapter Six

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Third person's point of view.

Atem jumping to her feet, at the sounds of war cries getting louder, turned to Rick, "UP!" she shouted and he was on his feet and handing Evie a shotgun, "Take this! Stay here!" he snapped before following Atem, who'd run off to meet the attackers, "No, wait, wait! Wait for me. Wait!" Evie gasped as she jumped up to follow, "Evie! Excuse me, but didn't the man just say stay here? Evie!" Johnathan whined as he chased his sister gun and bottle in a hand each.

The archeologist came screaming out of his tent umbrella in his hand, and terror in his eyes, "Mr. Henderson! Wake up!" The blond American hearing his name came out to see the fuss and was quick to react, Atem was in the middle of several fights, her hat low over her eyes, and her scarf up and over her nose, leaving only her eyes visible. Downing her attackers but not killing them she turned to see the screaming and running form of Johnathan,

"O'Connell!" Johnathan raced by the young warrior and the rider that gave chase never saw Rick till he was on him and knocking him and his mount down. Atem was rushing to them in a heart beat, her Khopesh still drawn as she rounded the tent and came up behind the Medjai, her arm crossing his chest with her blade where he could see it, she leaned her covered mouth close to his ear, "I'm watching everything, I know where the key is and the book has surfaced," she said,

Using her Ancient Egyptian language to speak, "You are doing well, but do not harm these mortals the don't know what they're doing," she added, his hands gripped her sleeves and arms to give himself a bit of breathing room, "I'll kill the creature myself if I have to, even if it is going to be the second time I do this," she finished and he finally realized who she is, "Enough! We will shed no more blood, but you must leave?" he said after she let him up, 

"Leave this place or die. You have one day." he finished, his eyes turning back to her as he ordered his men to grab the wounded and to retreat, but with his face in full view she was able to see what the Medjai leader looked like, he is the spitting image of her lover from 3,000 years ago. Taking a step towards him with wide eyes and a hidden look of shock she couldn't stop him from leaving before she was able to speak with him properly. 

Rick rushing to Evie had Atem blinking out of her staring after the Medjai. "Evelyn. Hey. Are you all right?" he asked helping her get up and taking back his shotgun. "Yes, I'm fine." she answered as she rubbed the back of her head, "You sure?" he asked and she nodded, "Thank you." she said while sticking close to him, "That proves it. Old Seti's fortune's got to be under this sand. For them to protect it like this, you know there's treasure down there." one of the American's said.

"No, these men are desert people. They value water, not gold." Atem said and eyes turned to her as she spoke, she'd earned respect from the four American men, they had all seen how she fought, and to avoid being on the opposite end of her weapons again they feared angering her again. "You know, maybe just at night, we could combine forces." the American with glasses suggested and Atem let her eyes fall on him,

It was obvious that she didn't want to but she knew she would be outnumbered in the vote for it.


Atem sat against her bag her weapons not far from her reach as she read a book, her hat sat on her knee and her scarf was loosely hanging around her neck, she was currently watching Rick and Evie, Rick was trying to teach Evie to throw a proper punch, but the young woman was too drunk for her own good or balance, "Hey, tough stuff, try a right hook. Ball up your fist and put it... Put it up like that. And then mean it. Hit it right here." Rick said patting the palm of his hand.

Squaring off against Rick she stood the way he'd instructed and kept her hands where he'd said was proper before affirming his encouragement in her seriousness of the punch, "Mean it!" she said while throwing the punch but she over reached and with the alcohol in her system she wasn't properly focused and nearly fell, and would have if Rick hadn't caught her. "Okay." he said as she laughed, the two of them sitting,

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