Chapter Five

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Third person's point of view.

Arriving at a good distance away, the group led by Atem and Rick were greeted by the Americans led by Beni along with hired helpers on horses. "Good morning, my friend." Beni greeted. Atem rolled her eyes and she could feel the annoyance coming from Rick at this little shit of a man. "What the hell are we doing?" One of the American's complained. "Patience, my good barat'm. Patience." Beni said while one of the American's turned to Rick,

He leaned on the pommel of his saddle and spat out a mouthful of chewing Tabaco, Atem curled her lip in disgust. "Remember our bet, O'Connell? First one to the city, 500 cash bucks." the blonde said, "A hundred of them bucks is yours if you help us win that bet." the wider American said to Beni, "Oh, my pleasure." Beni said, "Hey, O'Connell. Nice camel." he added to Rick, the camel leaned his head back and Rick gave him some head scriches.

"Get ready for it." Atem said as she adjusted her hat, "For what?" Evie asked worriedly, "We're about to be shown the way." Atem answered. As the heat waves shimmered along the horizon, the city came into view. Atem sighed at the beauty of it and the nostalgia of being home, "Will you look at that?" One American said while another added, "Can you believe it?" the one in glasses smirked, "Hamunaptra."

Atem smirked as Rick sighed, "Here we go again." It barely took a moment before everyone shot off to race towards the city. The horse riders had a bit of trouble getting their horses to run in the sand, so they were quite stuck near the back, while the Archeologist on the donkey was even further back, the ones on camels were in the lead with the terrain advantage, Atem pushing for first, as she knew the path to take which would keep her out of the softest parts.

And her foreknowledge of the area let her race along the old stone road that Seti used. So While Rick fought with Beni, Atem was entering the city, Evie was right behind her with Rick and Jonathan close behind. "Go, Evie ! Go!" Jonathan cheered as his sister followed Atem,


After having won the race, Rick split the money between them, Atem almost refused it but Rick wouldn't let her say no and shoved it into her hands before starting a task of tying off a rope to lower them into one of the chambers. From the location alone Atem knew where they were. She had to fight everything in her telling her not to go in, but if something bad happened and she wasn't there, she'd hate herself even more.

As Rick prepared the rope, while swinging the rope around he unintentionally hit the Warden, who gasped in surprise while hissing in Arabic, the next two swipes being intentional caused him to step back each time and exclaim each time. "Stop picking on him, Kiddo," Atem called to Rick who groaned, like she was ruining his fun. Atem returned to watching the Archeologic direct the diggers from on top of one of the entrances.

One of the Americans came over and spoke with him, Atem's enhanced eyesight helped her to see what he'd said. "Do they know something we don't?" he asked, "They are led by a woman. What does a woman know?" Evie did have knowledge, but she wasn't the led on this, it's Atem, scoffing at the two men, she turned to the hole they planned to enter and grabbed her things and leapt into the dark.

Her companions freaked out for a moment, before calming down when she called for them to drop in the equipment. Looking around first after setting their stuff down, she said she'd let them know when it's safe to enter.


"That's a statue of Anubis. It's legs go deep underground. According to Bembridge scholars, that's where we'll find a secret compartment containing the Golden Book of Amun-Ra." Evie explained, having read about it, "Jonathan, you're meant to catch the sun with that." she added while her brother wiped at a large dish meant for lighting up rooms, "So, what are these old mirrors for?" Rick asked,

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